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You've always been so appealing, yet you're unattainable to all.
Bright and lively, you light up the world with your grace.
I fear that I've become too enraptured by your beauty.

Soaring above the clouds, a feeling of invisibility fills me, and that is my demise.

I get too close to you, for I think I can bask in your greatness, if just for a moment.
Stubbornness and pride consume me, and as I reach to touch your perfect self, I fall.

I plummet toward the murky depths of water, yet as I descend, my heart soars at my encounter with such incomparable perfection.

Though I'm pulled down by the weight of my heavy heart, I feel satisfaction, for I've been in the presence of an angel: a living, breathing Sun on Earth.

- blue

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