the valley.

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Fog lazily rolls across the ground, smiling sleepily.
Shadowed trees arch their arms to the clouds, yearning to caress the vast, warming blanket.
The blushing hills in the distance
graze fingertips with the blooming sky
who blushes in reply.

A farmhouse sits in a valley, a gem cloaked by fanning trees spreading their limbs gaily.
Ducks emerge from their slumber and swim around a sheltered pond.
They move their young along, ready to start the day.

A fine mist coats the grass, and the green stalks shiver and crunch under the chilly embrace.

Pines stand tall amongst the bare trees, shielded from the cold.
Birds perch and chirp amongst themselves, singing their songs like angels.

Peace settles like a warm hug, and it is restful.

- blue

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