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Perseus, you lucky hero.
You: you survived.
While others perished, lost their lovers and lives in tragic death, you lived on.
You saved your mother, saved your wife, saved yourself.
Yes indeed.

You saved yourself, brought the young version of you, trembling and scared, yet determined to protect his mother, to safety.

But how did it feel, dear Perseus, when you had to face a foe so fearless that others have turned to stone beneath her icy glare?

How did it feel, dear Perseus, to leave your mother behind?
Were you angry?

Did it feel good, dear Perseus, to get back at Polydectes, forever immortalizing him as a stubborn man; a cruel man?
Or did it feel painful, yet another life taken for the wicked fates' games?
How did it feel, dear Perseus, to grow up and survive?
To grow up and live?

- blue

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