Blind •lee minho• (pt.2)

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(My boys Seungkwan & Dino from SVT are in this chapter! I love them to death)


*(Not proofread)*


Ever since the attempted confession, things between you and Minho were a little awkward. But it sort of gave you a little closure knowing why he had been caring so much about your well-being.

However, you had a new thing to worry about.

A prom dress.

"Seungkwan- it's the day of prom and I don't even have a prom dress yet!" you exclaimed, instantly covering your mouth from how loud your voice managed to be.

Seungkwan shushed you, putting his own hand over yours.

"That's why we're here at the store," Seungkwan tried calming you down, patting the top of your head with you under his arm.

You huffed out, shoving his arm off of you. You had a short fuse lately, and understandably. You were so confused about the sudden confession by your best friend. But you didn't want to ask if it was a date or not because you didn't want it to be even more awkward if it wasn't. God, why does everything have to be so confusing?

"Oh!" Seungkwan exclaimed, his face lighting up with a smile as he pulled a sparkly, deep sea blue dress off of a rack. "You like blue,"

You turned to look at the dress your friend held. You hated that he already picked out a dress you liked. You were secretly wishing that you couldn't find a dress so you didn't have to go to prom and embarrass yourself further. Especially after the situation with Minho in the classroom the other day.

Seungkwan pushed the hanger toward you.

"Try it on," he insisted but you shook your head.

"I don't know..."

Seungkwan rolled his eyes and folded the dress, placing it over your shoulder.

"I'm not asking for excuses," he crossed his arms sassily. "If you are going to this prom date, you're going to need to look gorgeous."

You gave Seungkwan a look before taking the dress off of your shoulder to look at it closer. It truly was a pretty dress. Even better, it was satin.


"Go change or I'll hit you with my sandal," Seungkwan cut you off, suddenly getting serious as he reached for his slides on his foot.

You rolled your eyes and turned around, heading over to the dressing room past other aisles full of dresses.

After debating between three dresses you really liked, you chose a different satin dress. It was a seashell color (light shade of pink mixed with off-white) that would compliment your skin tone beautifully. Seungkwan wouldn't stop complimenting your figure in the dress because of how perfectly it snugged your body. Especially your hips and waist.

You matched the dress with a pair of white stilettos you'd have to learn to walk in before you arrive at prom.

Hours later, you and Minho arrived at school where prom was being held. There were so many gorgeous girls there in beautiful dresses that consisted of many different colors. You couldn't help but wonder why Minho didn't say yes to those previous three girls and brought you instead. They seemed much prettier and better than you in multiple ways. Why you?

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