After getting your wisdom teeth removed (9th member/reaction)

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This one should be fun


Chan: (No picture because my storage is low, sorry!)

-the designated driver to and back from the dentist
-"do you want a smoothie?"
-finds you adorable under the anesthesia they gave you
-trying not to crash the car after he made a big mistake by telling you that you could sit in the front seat next to him
-constantly looking over at you to make sure you were alright
-he would keep tapping you on the shoulder to keep you awake
-"hey, no falling asleep in the car!"


-he would laugh maniacally at you but then apologize quickly after. Not because of your swollen face, but because of you being totally out of it
-"you have Han's cheeks now, Y/n!"
-definitely would take pictures and videos of you until you get annoyed
-despite him teasing you, he would actually be the most caring and soft person ever.
-he would help you change the gauze in your mouth with pure disgust, but he only does it because he knows you physically can't
-"do you need anything else?"
-he would retrieve you things that you request
-oh, and can't forget that he would most likely lay with you while you were resting.


-this man would find your loopiness the cutest thing ever.
-he would take selfies with you and ask you questions just to hear the weird and odd answers you have
-"does it hurt?" 24/7.
-taking advantage of your clinginess to cuddle with you
-I feel like he would accidentally make you cry after laughing at you
-then he would feel guilty and shower you with hugs and 'sorry's'
-makes sure that you're always comfortable
-giving you food that you're not allowed to eat because nobody told him what you can and can't have
-"what do you mean she can't eat kimbap, Chan?"


-this man would also find your loopiness adorable.
-holds the ice pack on your cheeks so you can relax
-"you look cute"
-helping you with your hair if you ask for it to be out of your face
-literally would watch dramas with you all day long
-cuddles. He would engulf you in his embrace.
-"are you warm yet?"
-asking you constantly if you need anything
-and when you ask him to get something he would yell for Changbin to get it for you so he didn't have to get up


-helps you with every single little thing.
-asks you obvious questions to test if the anesthesia was still in your system
-"how many fingers am I holding up?"
-would definitely take advantage of your sleepy state and take pictures of you with admiration
-"Harry Potter marathon?"
-he would most likely choose to vlog the day for Stays as well
-he would probably also make you cry accidentally and not know what to do to help
-"uh..maybe Lee Knows what to do-"


-he would definitely bake brownies just for you
-and also make you homemade smoothies
-he would get so scared if you tried taking the gauze out of your mouth because he wouldn't know what to do
-anime all day.
-would let you do whatever you wanted as long as it didn't include you doing anything you shouldn't be doing
-he would LOVE your clinginess toward him and would literally bask in it


-weirdly enough, I feel like he would radiate the same energy as you under anesthesia.
-like he could literally have a full on conversation about where thoughts go when they get forgotten
-he would keep an eye on you at all times to make sure you aren't doing something you shouldn't be
-teases you about your swollen cheeks
-which leads to you crying because your emotions are all heightened
-"I said I was sorry! Don't go to Hyunjin!"


-he would not know what to do with you.
-"what's gauze?"
-keeps asking you if anything hurts so he can help you
-eventually calls Chan and asks what to do
-I feel like he would be uncomfortable with your unusual mood swings.
-like one second you could be completely out of it on the sofa beside him and then the next second you would be on the floor rolling around out of boredom
-"Chan... is she possessed-"

A/n: lol I had some fun with this 🤷‍♀️


(I'm taking a little break from the individual imagines because I literally have no other ideas. So there's going to be text messages, funny moments, ot8 imagines, etc!)

Oh! And be prepared for some angst imagines one after another...HA HA HA.

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