Late Nights •Lee Minho•

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Theme: fluff
Word count: 904


I continued to glance at my phone screen that sat on my bed beside me for any messages but to my dismay, nothing came through.

Minho told me that he would text me as soon as he was leaving the company building so we could have dinner. But he still hasn't sent me anything and it's already 10:30. I just need to occupy myself to keep me awake until he gets home.

Perhaps watching The Walking Dead would keep me awake in time for Minho to arrive home from work.


I found myself dozing off until I heard a blood-curling scream that erupted from my television at the foot of our bed, making me jump up. I thought someone was outside, but I was just scaring myself.

However, I'm pretty sure I had a mini nightmare about getting eaten alive by SpongeBob for only a few seconds before the scream woke me.

I reached for the remote tiredly but quickly and switched from The Walking Dead to a baking show. I couldn't tell what it said on the screen due to my blurry half vision, but I could see the cake on the title image.

I grabbed my phone, now being more aware of my surroundings in my dark room only to be lit by my television, and turned it on.

No Older Notifications

I let out a tiresome sigh and slid my phone off of my hand to the bed.

I was fighting my eyelids to keep them open, but with each second that passed by I soon realized just how hard it was. I didn't want to be asleep when Minho got home.

(No one's pov)

"I'm home!"

Suddenly, the front door shut with a distant thud followed by shuffling sounds that neared closer to the bedroom door.

"Y/n?" Minho whispered, peering his head into the small opening between the door and the door frame.

To Minho's dismay, he found Y/n sleeping soundly on the bed with her phone clutched to her chest like it was a teddy bear. It was the cutest thing he'd ever seen.

He thought you looked so beautiful and peaceful when you sleep. You thought the same about him and you constantly let him know about it, too.

Minho gently set his bag and backpack down on the floor by the closet and glanced at the television. A baking show was playing in the background. He couldn't help but think of how good your brownies would taste right now after a long, tired day at work.

Minho took the remote from beside you and nonchalantly shut the television off, now being in the complete darkness.

But that, of all things, woke you up.

(your pov)

I slowly opened my eyes, feeling the spot on the bed slowly sink beside me with quiet creaks of the wood frames underneath.

I could just barely make out his side profile in the darkness.

"Why didn't you text me...?" I asked groggily, slowly sitting up only to be pulled back down by his strong arm.

"I'm of our files were deleted," Minho apologized sincerely, although nothing of what he said made sense because I was still more than half asleep.

I could feel Minho's hot breath fan against my neck as he curled up against me like a kitten.

"There's dinner for you in the kitchen," I told him quietly, making sure I didn't speak loud so I wouldn't wake myself up more than I wanted to.

I felt him nestle his head further into the crook of my neck as an arm draped over my side.

"It's probably cold now," I added with a sigh, wishing nothing more than to have just eaten dinner with my boyfriend. But I understand that he's busy most of the time.

"I promise you, we will have the best dinner date tomorrow night," Minho suddenly lifted his head up, his face inches from mine.

Although I could barely make his facial features out, I focused on what I could tell were his glistening eyes.

"Can we watch The Walking Dead?" I asked with a small smile curling upon my lips in which Minho couldn't see.

Suddenly he sat up and I instantly knew the face he was making at me. He always gives me a judgmental/disbelieved face after I do something stubbornly.

"You watched that to keep you awake tonight, didn't you?" he asked, holding himself up with his arm underneath my back.

"I had to stay awake somehow," I replied, sitting up slowly to be next to him.

He shook his head with a smile, rubbing his bare face lazily.

"You're lucky I'm here to protect you from nightmares," Minho said with a slight laugh, pulling me back down against him on the bed by my waist.

I smiled at his side profile, taking it in just like how I did the first time I met him. I thought he was so beautiful then. And I still do now.

"My hero," I mocked him with a small laugh, laying my head down on the pillow with a mischievous smile.

A/N: this was kind of rushed, but I was super tired while making this so I thought of making my thoughts into a short imagine. is Minho so beautiful? Like he's literally ethereal-

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