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Hi everyone & Happy New Year!!

Firstly, I'd like to say that I hope all of you enjoyed your time during the holidays with family or friends or whomever you spent it with. I know I did!

With it being the first of January 2023, chapters may not be as consistent as you might have already figured out. My schedules have been packed with many important personal life events going on. Especially with a very new chapter of my life unlocking in 2023.

Regardless of the chapters not being as consistent, this does not mean I'll stop posting. I've recently had writers block with a couple chapters, but that's also due to stress and anxiety with everything going on in my life right now.

*you can skip if you want to, I'm about to go on a little rant of my first year with Stray Kids:)*

2022 was a little rough I must admit. It wasn't until when the Venom music video was released when I really got into Stray Kids and listened to their music after calling it 'weird' because of God's Menu. (At the time, I wasn't really into that genre type of music. Especially with Felix's low voice, it caught me so off guard😭).

With it only being nine months stanning SKZ, it took me nine months to realize that I'm not alone. Even though they live in another country and have no idea who I am, they make me feel at home. I know it's a cliche thing to say, but no group has ever made me feel the way I do about myself before.

Han, who has anxiety as well as I do, makes me feel so much better about it because I can sympathize with him. Of course it may not be just like his, but it's a feeling of closure knowing I'm not out of place for experiencing it. Han's songs hit very close to home with me. It was sort of a wake up call that told me that really anyone can experience unhappy things at times.

And it's always the happiest and funny people that use those emotions as a mask to hide their true colors.

Lee Know, the cold on the outside but warm as a heated blanket on the inside. We both secretly love getting attention, but not showing it to others. We have secret struggles we don't want to express with certain people or that we may want to express with one certain person. Now I'm not saying I know Lee Know and that he does these things, but as a person who acts like him and is basically another version of him, I can only assume.

I've never been able to express my thoughts in words before. But now I don't have to with Stray Kids. It's crazy to me how they have the same exact thoughts and that they can describe my emotions so well through songs. Silent Cry being one of them.

It took me these nine months to find who I truly am thanks to SKZ. Quarantine messed my brain up, but I thank these eight men for holding onto my sanity and keeping me in reality. And if I'm being honest, if I didn't know SKZ, I don't know if I'd be here today.

I can't put it into words how much I feel at peace knowing that there are eight boys out there who can make me feel comfortable with myself now.

This was all thanks to me stumbling upon the Venom music video that lead me down the rabbit hole of Eight is Fate.

And all of you Stays. I couldn't thank you enough for just reading these cringe chapters. Especially my cheesy rant above.I'm just hopeful and glad that they make you happy at the end of the day.

Anyway, to close it off, I hope 2023 has more to offer if 2022 wasn't great like mine!

I love you all very much. I couldn't ask for a better fandom. (Minus those cringe YouTube shorts povs people. If you know, you know)

Xoxo! <3

Imagines Book 1 |Stray Kids|Where stories live. Discover now