Praise •seo changbin•

950 21 4

*not proofread* (I don't have time for that  sorry 😃)

Word count: 1.6k

Synopsis: Seo Changbin has always loved being praised and complimented for anything he's accomplished. But he's only hungry for your admiration. Will you give in and give him what he wants? Or will you just keep giving him the cold shoulder and shrugging it off?


"Y/n!~" a voice sang out your name from behind you.

You turned around in your seat and looked at Changbin who was already smiling at you while wiggling his legs back and forth.

You blinked.


"Look, I got a 93 on our physics test!" he chimed happily, holding his paper up in the air as he pointed at the big, circled red "93" at the top left corner.

You looked at him for a moment in silence, continuing to chew your snack in your mouth.

Changbin has always wanted you to smile or do something other than act rude to others. So he has dedicated this entire year to try softening you up with his "charms". Clearly, it hasn't been working.

"A 98 would have been better," you said nonchalantly, turning back around in your seat to continue studying for another test tomorrow.

Changbin blinked at you, speechless. How could you be so cold toward him? It was his first A passing grade in Physics and you told him to get a higher grade next time. However, Changbin pushed away these thoughts carelessly as he only wanted to seem perfect in your eyes.

Changbin looked at his grade and placed the paper down on his desk, smiling at the back of your head again before he tapped your shoulder.

"What now?" you spun back around to look at the boy.

"I bet I can make you say something nice toward me before Christmas break," Changbin proposed, sitting straight in his seat with a determined look in his face.

You raised an eyebrow at him and allowed your lips to curve into a grin.

"What are you betting?" you asked, intrigued.

"My love," Changbin answered with heart shaped eyes as he leaned in closer, puckering his lips out at you.

Your grin instantly fell as you put your hand out, stopping his face from moving any closer.

"I'd rather lose a million dollars I don't have than win your love, Changbin"

He blinked and finally backed away to escape your hand as you turned back around in your seat. Changbin sat there, submersed in his thoughts and plans on how to get you to say something nice to him.

Changbin didn't know what to do. He'd have to get recruitments for help.


Changbin stood in front of the two boys with his arms crossed against his chest.

"WHAT DO I DO?!" he suddenly freaked out, running his hands through his hair as he began pacing around back and forth.

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