Chapter 8

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"So... Josh..." I rubbed the back of my neck. This was going to be awkward.

"Jay, can't you see me and Josh are busy?" asked Logan.

They were both playing Grand Theft Auto V and usually I'd be playing with them but I figured that having a an ally, especially one that was so close to Lily, could only be beneficial. So, I resisted the urge to play and instead I said, "come on guys! We play video games all the time. Let's just talk?" It came out like a question. Damn! Why did it have to be a question?!

"Dude, you alright?" asked Logan. He paused the game and they both looked at me.

"Yeah I was just... just wondering about something. Yeah... I noticed the way Josh looks at Haley. I wanted to know if there was anything going on between you guys?"

"When did you sprout a vagina?" Logan snorted. He got up and put some headphones on and left. Josh, however, was looking confused.

"The way I look at Haley? What do you mean? I love her but she's like a sister to me. I didn't realise I was acting different."

"But come on man! She's hot!"

"Woah! Dude! Not cool!"

Yes! I was getting through to him! He did like Haley after all. He was just being defensive about-

"You have a girlfriend! Amanda deserves better."

He stormed into the bathroom and slammed the door.

Well that was an epic fail.


The next morning at breakfast, Haley pulled me over to the buffet and demanded to know what happened.

"Haley, you're a beautiful girl! You could do so much better than that swine!"

"Yeah yeah whatever! Just tell me what he said!"

"I don't know how to say this but he said he loves you-"

"He loves me?!" She squealed. Yes. Literal squealage.

"I wasn't finished! Now who's the bad listener. He said he loves you but only like a sister."

"Are you KIDDING ME?!"

"Haley! Calm down! You're causing a scene!"

Haley went all ape-shit after that. When she started slapping me, Lily came over and said, "Haley? Oh my God! What happened here."

She stopped hitting me, but thats where my good fortune ended because that is where the screaming started.

I'm not quite sure what happened but the conversation was far from English. Ladies, help me out. Do you have a secret language? This is how it sounded to me:

"I wanted to *sobs* Josh but *more sobbing*"

"Ouch! Okay go on,"

"So then I *pig-like snort* and he *more animal sounds*"

"Jason! How could you!" Lily slapped me. "Haley, continue."

"So he said *incomprehensible wail* like a sister!!!"

More sobbing ensued.

Lily pulled me by the arm and exclaimed, "Jason! What were you thinking? The girl is fragile enough!"

"I don't know! She was distraught yesterday and the idea seemed to cheer her up."

"Idiot," she mumbled. "Well, now you're going to have to help me fix this mess."

"I can try?"

She groaned. "Well, I have a fool-proof plan that even an imbecile like you couldn't screw up. Let's go."

And without telling a soul, I followed the demon-Lily out of the dining room. With hindsight, I probably should have told someone where we were going...


Hey! So now you guys see why I added this Josh/Haley thing to the plot? If not, the next chapter will make it clearer:P

Anyway, awesome banner is once again thanks to @ParanormalWriter_



AngelOfPen xx

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