Please dont say that! (Florence Pugh)

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Y/n's POV:

A cool English day in 1868 has me walking to my dear friend Florence's house. I know that I am to leave England soon and go back to Italy so I know that now would be the one time to tell Florence the truth.

With hope in my heart I raise my hand and knock on her front door. The door swings open with such force I nearly fly back but before I can arms are flung around my neck and I'm pressed into a hug by a short blonde girl.

"Y/n! Come in!" Florence cheers, after our hug. I enter and we walk into her living room. "I wasn't expecting you today."

"I know Florence but there's something very important I need to tell you and I don't know if I'll have any other time to tell." I say, as i try to calm my racing nerves.

"Would you like to sit for this conversation?" Florence offers, taking my hand into hers but I politely decline with a reassuring smile. "So what is it you wanted to say dear friend?"

"I... I wanted to inform you of a discovery I have made..."

"And what is this discovery? You're not ill are you?"

"No no... I have found out that I am deeply in love with you. I have loved you my whole life Florence and not a day goes by where I do not picture us together or ponder over memories of us together."

I watch as the girls face falters and falls and with it so does my heart

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I watch as the girls face falters and falls and with it so does my heart. "Please don't say that..." I barely hear Florence whisper.

"W-what?" I feel my heart begin to shatter.

"Please don't say that Y/n." She says louder. "I can't bear to hear it from you. You know all too well that we cannot be together. Not now. Not ever."

"Florence." My heart breaks as she says this.

"No. You- you can't do this to me!" She continues more sterner this time as she walks to a soft chair and sits down facing away from me.

There's a suffocating silence that over takes the room. Florence continues to sit facing away from me as I silently cry to myself.

"Look at me." I try to command. But I get no response. "Please Florence look at me!" I demand, more desperately than before.

 "Please Florence look at me!" I demand, more desperately than before

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"I can't." She says simply, not daring to look at me.

"You must think I'm a monster." I whisper, and with that I run out of the house.

The world was never ready for us. Not in this universe at least.

Time skip: The next day. Florence's POV.

The truth broke me. My throught Stan rampant last night leading to little sleep so instead of sleeping I woke up early and got ready to go see Y/n and try to talk things through with them.

I arrived at the Y/L/N home and knock on the door expecting to see Y/n but instead I'm met with Y/n's Aunt. "Florence isn't it?"

"Yes Miss, is Y/n in by any chance?" I ask with a small smile.

"Would you like to come in dear?" Y/n's Aunt says, stepping a side for me to enter. I do and as I do say I start to wonder why the older lady didn't answer my question about Y/n's whereabouts.

"Just this way." The older, taller lady leads me to a seating area, where we both sit down. "Can I get you a drink dear?"

"No thank you, I'm just here to talk to Y/n if that's no trouble."

"Florence, my dear, Y/n left last night for Italy. They came home and went straight to their room to pack. I tried to stop them but they rushed out without an explanation. I haven't heard from them since," Y/n's Aunt explains. "I'm so sorry."


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Not in this universe.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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