Nice seeing you again(Sarah Paulson)

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Authors note: I've added two endings at the end of this so if you want something happy or sad I got you! Also I didn't realise how long this one shot is but anyways.

Y/n's pov:

"Come on honey hold mummy/daddies hand." I say to my 6 year old daughter Rose as we walk out of the school I just picked her up from. "Hey do wanna go to the store and get some treats for a movie night tonight?" I watch as my daughters face lights up with excitement as I ask the question.

"Yay! Let's go now!" Rose cheers as we run down the foot path to the store.

As the two of us turn a the corner onto another street, still running, I run straight into a woman knocking all of her things out of her arms and onto the floor. "Oh god I'm so sorry!" I apologise bending down and picking up the woman's things. "Sorry my daughter and I wanted to go to the store so we decided to race and now look where that's lead!" I blabber on with my apology while the woman and my daughter giggle to themselves in amusement. It wasn't until I got a proper look of the lady I ran into I knew who I was talking to... "Sarah!"

"Hi y/n!" She greets me with smile.

"Mummy/daddy? Who's this?" I hear Rose ask.

"Rose this is Sarah she's an old friend of mine." I respond squeezing my daughters hand.

"Is that what we were?" I hear Sarah joke, making a slight pink colour rise to my cheeks. 10 years ago Sarah and I used to date, we were inseparable to the point where people thought we were going to be together forever and part of me also thought that. One day we went to the beach for date night, at the end of the date I popped the question 'will you marry me?' The answer was no... Sarah thought it was to soon for that stuff. We tried to date after that but we just never clicked like we used to so we decided to go our separate ways. I found a lovely woman shortly after Sarah, we got married and had a daughter Rose, I was finally living my dream life... until my wife got into a car accident when Rose was 3... she didn't make it out alive and it's just been Rose and I ever since.

"Are we going to store?!" Rose says getting impatient by the second.

"I um better get going before this one throws a tantrum." I tell Sarah.

"Oh Um yeah

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"Oh Um yeah... well it was nice seeing you again," I watch as the disappointment rises to Sarah's face and the guilt I start to feel with it.

"Wait why don't you come with us?" I ask with a smile.

"I don't want to interrupt anything..."

"No please come! Rose and I don't mind, do we Rose?"

"Yeah come with us!" My daughter cheers and let's go of my hand to grab onto Sarah's instead.

"Ok then." Sarah says with a smile as the three of us start our journey to the store.

We finished our short walk to the store and step inside. "Rose honey go find some snacks me and Sarah are going to sit over there," I say pointing out the chair's and tables placed in the corner of the store.

"Ok mum/ dad!" Rose responses walking into the tall racks of food.

Sarah and I make our way to the a small table with two chairs on either side. We take a seat and let a comfortable silence take over. Shortly after Sarah speaks up. "You really did get your dream, didn't you?"

Wow that's one way to start a conversation with your ex! "Yeah I guess I did," I respond looking off to where Rose is. "Did you ever move on? Find someone new?" I ask.

 "Did you ever move on? Find someone new?" I ask

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"No... I um I never found anyone," Sarah says.

"Oh I'm sorry- I shouldn't have brought it up,"

"No! No it's ok. I see you have yourself a lovely little family... where's your wife?"

"Had... I had a wife... she um- she passed away a few years ago," I respond to the hard question as a few tears slowly start to form in my eyes.

"Y/n I'm sorry..."

"No no it's fine. I guess we have a thing for asking emotional questions hey?" I joke trying to make this convo light again.

"Yeah I guess we do." Sarah says laughing. That same comforting silence comes back around, The two of us just staring longingly at each other.

This time it was Rose that knocked us out of the silence. "I got everything."  We pay for the food and walk outside. "Mum/dad? Can Sarah stay for movie night tonight?"

"Well how about you ask her?" I tell my daughter with a smile.

"Sarah? Will you stay for movie night with me and mum/dad?" Rose says turning to Sarah with hopeful eyes.

"Of course I will!" Sarah beams while rose cheers and throws herself in Sarah's arms.

(During the movie. Y/n's pov:)

The three of us were about half way through the movie, all cuddled up on the couch. Rose was fast asleep leaning against Sarah, while Sarah was watch the movie. "I'm gonna go put her in bed. Feel free to stay for the rest of the movie." I whisper as I pick my sleeping daughter out of Sarah's lap and take her to her room.

When I make my way back to the lounge room I sit back and continue watching the movie with Sarah. The movie is getting closer to the end when I feel something lightly tap my fingers, I look down slightly to see it was Sarah's hand trying to hold mine. I did the same thing on our first date years ago, we were in the cinema and I decided to make a move by holding her hand.

My hand intertwines with the blonds and we finish the movie. As the credits start to roll I turned to look at Sarah. "That movie was gr" two lips that belonged to the blond in front of me was met with mine, cutting me sentence short.

Sarah realised that I didn't kiss back and she instantly backed away. "Y/n/n I'm sorry for kissing you! That was uncalled for!" Sarah apologies frantically.

"It's ok..." I say blankly.

"You're not ready are you..." Sarah says not like a question more like she knew the answer herself.

"Sarah I love you... I've never stopped but Im not ready for anything jut yet." I say quietly.

"I understand... I think I'm going to leave now" Sarah says getting up and walking to the front door.

"It was lovely seeing you again y/n."

(Different ending!)

My hand intertwines with the blonds and we finish the movie. As the credits start to roll I turned to look at Sarah. "That movie was gr" two lips that belonged to the blond in front of me was met with mine, cutting me sentence short.

We kiss and hold each other never once letting go. "I've missed that so much," Sarah says breathing heavily.

I chuckle and bring Sarah's face closer to mine. "I've missed you so much," I whisper our lips brushing against each other. 

"Kiss me." Sarah whispers in my ear. That was all I needed to bring her in for another long kiss.

We held each other for the rest of the night not daring to let go. I finally have my two girls.

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