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A week

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A week.

It has been a week since Platinum performed at the Black Magic Festival but it feels as if a lifetime has passed.

The band has been in the studio almost everyday, recording the songs that have already been written, and perfecting them. Between recording and school, my time has been completely taken up.

Right now, I am sitting in Liam's office with the rest of my bandmates as we have our first meeting as a signed partnership.

"Okay," Liam starts, "Everyones following on socials has nearly doubled so we have to use this to our advantage but also be careful of what is posted. I want to see pictures of you guys in the studio so people know that something is coming."

The band nods in understanding.

"Also," Liam continues, "You guys have your first interview on Friday. It's a podcast. I will give all of you a list of approved questions. I also want you to reveal that you have signed with Columbia Records during the podcast."

"We already have an interview?," I question, "We've only performed once, why are people ready to interview us?"

"Well, it's one of those podcasts that social media influencers run," Liam explains, "They saw someone go viral, and wanted to interview them."

The rest of the meeting goes by quickly. The only other piece of relevant information in my head being that Liam still wants us performing small gigs every now and then. However, no new songs are allowed to be added to our setlist. Harry said he would talk to Elliot to get us a gig after getting featured on the podcast, in hopes that many people will come and support the band, and the small bar.

After our meeting, we head over to the studio and I smile as I see the familiar face of our producer.

Jeremiah Bryant has been a blessing throughout this first week of entering into Columbia Records. He encourages the band with everything we bring to him and somehow makes it better. I have also gotten to use his song writing skills to my advantage, as he has taken to helping me complete the latest words scrawled in my journal.

"Jeremy!," I say as I walk in, letting the tall and lanky man embrace me, his dark, tattooed covered arms wrapping around me.

"If it's not my favorite, soon-to-be, pop star," he gives me a bright smile.

"She's got bandmates, you know," Niall says.

"When you guys let me write with you, I might include you in pop star status next time."

"Speaking of," Louis begins, "Are we finally allowed to listen to the song you two wrote?"

"Get in there, Reyna," Jeremiah nods his head to the recording space.

I take a deep breath and nod, turning around so I can walk into the space behind the large window.

Once inside, I place the headphones on my head and signal Jeremiah to start the track.

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