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"Basically I was just thinking that you can come swing by my fraternity this Saturday, we're having a party and I'd love for you to be there

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"Basically I was just thinking that you can come swing by my fraternity this Saturday, we're having a party and I'd love for you to be there."

It's Monday after statistics class and this guy has been following me for ten minutes since we both walked out of the class together. I'm just trying to find Harry, who has his location dropped for me.

I try my best to be nice, "I'm sorry, I already have plans on Saturday."

The boy scoffs, "Really? With who?"

"Not that it's any of your business but with some friends of mine," I start walking faster just to get out of his presence.

"Didn't you just move here from India or something? How do you know people already?"

"Are you kidding?," I stop walking and turn towards him and he gives me a shrug, "I moved from England and my brother introduced me to some friends here. So quite frankly I'd rather spend time with them over some boy that probably only made it to Uni because of daddy's money."

I walk away again, but the boy grabs onto my bicep and yanks me back, "Listen, I'm sorry sweetheart, that was insensitive. How about I make it up to you, yeah?"

I try to wiggle my way out of his grip, but it's too firm, "I'd really rather not."

He opens his mouth to reply but stops when his hand is forcefully pushed back from me.

"You really can't pick up social cues, can ya mate?," Harry is suddenly by my side.

"Dude what the fuck is wrong with you? Mind your business!," the boy yells but Harry is already looking at me.

"You alright Rey?," Harry asks, concern coating his voice.

The boy grabs the front of Harry's shirt, "I was talking to you."

Harry doesn't even flinch as he looks down at the boy, "You better take your hands off me right fucking now. I don't care that you were talking to me cause I don't care to hear what a pathetic person like you has to say," the boy doesn't move and Harry's eyes go dark, "Do not make me repeat myself."

Harry's voice is low and intimidating and it's a complete 180 from the boy that was crying in my arms just yesterday. The frat boy drops his hand and Harry looks him up and down with a look of disgust before turning to me.

"Are you ready to go?," Harry asks.

I nod and turn to leave but then stop, "If you touch me again, talk to me again, or even so much as look at me while in class," I say, "I will go and tell your fraternity about it and I'm sure they will not take kindly to having their named tarnished to some piece of shit that has nothing to offer them. Understand?"

The boy tightens his jaw but nods, "Good," I smile sweetly and turn to Harry once more.

He has a smirk on his lips as he throws his arm around my shoulders and starts walking me in the direction of his motorcycle.

"You never cease to amaze me Reyna Malik."

I laugh out, "Thanks for helping me out Harry, I really appreciate it."

He shakes his head, "Don't thank me. I'm your friend, of course I'm gonna help you."

We reach his bike and Harry removes his arm from around me to hand me a helmet.

"Do you think you'd have time to help me with some stats today?," I ask him while securing the helmet on my head.

"Now you're just taking advantage of my helpfulness," Harry chuckles, "but yes I'll help you. Louis said he was gonna come in a little later so I'll have time to kill."

I nod and soon enough, Harry and I are riding through New York towards my apartment. Once we get there, I call out that I'm home and that Harry will be helping me with homework. I hear Zayn respond with an 'okay' from his room and then I'm leading Harry to my own room. I open the door for him and he closes it while looking around my room, inspecting every inch of it. He looks to a small keyboard that I have leaning against the wall and gestures to it.

"Do you play?"

"Yeah. Zayn picked up the drums in secondary school while I picked up piano and keyboard."

"Huh. I didn't know that."

"There's a lot you don't know about me Harry," I smile at him.

"Well, I'd love to learn them."

I look down to my feet and decide to change the subject, "Shall we get started?"

Harry nods and I pull out my textbook, notebook, and laptop, placing it out on the bed.

"If you want, you can roll that chair over," I say, pointing to the chair across the room, "I would normally just work at my desk but you'd just be hovering over my shoulder with no where to sit."

"Do you mind if I just sit next to you?," Harry asks, pointing at the empty spot next to me on the bed.

"No, of course not. Go ahead," I scoot over some more so there is extra room for Harry to sit.

As Harry goes to sit on the bed, he reaches up to tie his hair up with the elastic that always sits on his wrist. As he does so, his t-shirt slightly rides up, exposing the tattoos that sit at his v-line. It's two ferns. I can't see the whole thing as the bottom of them are covered by Harry's signature black jeans, but I see enough. I wonder what other tattoos he has hidden that I have yet to see.

I'm snapped out of my daze when Harry's hands pull down his shirt. I look up to Harry's face, sure that he would be looking at me with disgust knowing I was staring at him, but thankfully he was looking down at my textbook.

"Okay, so standard deviation," Harry says.

For the next hour or so, Harry goes into depth with each topic that I have been struggling in. Making sure to accommodate to my needs in a way that a professor with a class of forty students could never do. During that time, we also have casual conversation and make small jokes. Every time Harry laughs, I'm entranced with his smile. His two front teeth are slightly longer than normal and his right dimple always pops up before his left one does. Suddenly Harry and I are looking towards the door as it swings open. Zayn is standing there and eyeing Harry and I on the bed together.

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