6. Final Chapter -- BODYGUARD'S FinaL Promise !!

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:::Last Part:::


Zhan managed to get back onto the road marking the trees with his blood. Jin Guangyao had injured him with his bare fingers. How sharp were his nails thought, Zhan.

Zu was waiting on the main road. How she got here was a mystery. Zhan handed over his Dictaphone and told Zu to go to their father ASAP and bring help. Zu reluctantly obeyed Zhan's frantic commands.

Zhan called Xichen for help. He had to stop Jin. Someone had to do something.

Zhan to Xichen-- (Sounding panicky on the phone) You have to come and stop Jin. He's trying to kill me. He killed Cheng. Now he wants me Xichen Ge. Please you are the only person I can turn to. I don't know what else to do. Xichen ge, are you listening? Jin tried to violate me. He tried to molest me.

Xichen wasn't in the mood for dirty jokes. He objected, "This is ludicrous Zhan. Jin wouldn't hurt a fly. He loved Cheng and you are like a brother to him."

Zhan screams down the line- Xichen, I doubt I am making this s**t up. I am freaking bleeding out here. I am in danger. I know Jin is your brother but I am your friend- a younger brother to you. If you want to see my dead body then go ahead...

Xichen was already beside Zhan, watching the red blood dripping at the side of his back, realising this wasn't a nightmare but reality. How could his brother be capable of this monstrosity? Xichen began to feel his own animal urgers come to the fore in raw anger at his brother for hurting Zhan-- the love of his life.

Zhan was shaking a little as Xichen grabbed hold of him and took him in his arms.

Zhan -- What are you doing? How did you get here so fast?

Xichen commanded-Taking you to safety. And I was around the area for a walk.

Zhan cried- NO!!!!! Yibo's there, facing your brother. My bodyguard!! If anything happens to him then I'm screwed. We have to help him, Ge. I promised I'd get help. I got YOU. Zu's on her way with backup. I'd have slowed her down. Xichen ge help Yibo, please?

Xichen tried again-But you need help Zhan.

Zhan defiantly pushed Xichen with his hands, smacking him- No way Xichen ge. Either you help Yibo right now or I'm going to fight you till I'm blue in the face.

Xichen gave in- Fine. (Assesses the cut which wasn't too deep. Jin's handiwork was always so precise. He just wanted Zhan weak enough to ... Xichen couldn't get himself to think the last words) You stay behind me at all times Zhan.

Zhan nodded-Thank You Ge.

Yibo saw Jin Guangyao transform right in front of him. Half werewolf and half-human, but deadly dangerous. He saw blood on Jin's claws. It was Zhan's blood, making Yibo very thirsty, but he had to control his hunger and concentrate on ending Jin's sorry existence. This pup would breathe his last breath for even hurting his Zhanzhan, let alone touching him with contempt.

Yibo fanged out baring his razor-sharp teeth and his gleaming ever-changing eye colour, circling the enemy, ready to charge at him. Jin's eyes glowered yellow, scowling as Yibo smirks back.

Yibo bellows-I guess it's true what they say little wolf, your brain doesn't amount to much. You'll always think like an animal. Now it's time to put down the mutt for good (Tilts his head side to side and lunges at Jin, making him fly hard against the trees.) This is for the filthy thoughts YOU had about my Zhan. ( Yibo takes a bite out of Jin's flesh) This is for making him bleed.

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