3. Bodyguard's Duty !!

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:::Bodyguard's DUTY:::

:::PART 2:::

Zu had a naughty plan to leave Yibo-- her shadow behind. She took her chance after seeing all the students leave the class.

Zhan was headed out and so was their Professor. Zu saw the perfect timing for her moment of freedom. The window was open. Zu didn't have to think twice. She has a small frame, she could easily get out of there with ease. So without delay she climbed out of the window with a broad smile on her face, grinning at the thought of what would their bodyguard do the moment he found she was gone.

She thought to herself " lets see how Yibo the black cat gets her --the wannabe He-Man. Huhh... Zu jumped down and let out a sigh of relief wash all over her.

Zu muttered happily, "Congo to slip-Now to skip College and..."

Yibo tapped Zu's shoulder as she turned around too fast, bumping into his broad shoulders. Zu blurted-W*F! How did YOU get here?

YIBO was glaring at Zu, slamming her away from prying eyes into the wall- "What is it with YOU Zu? You've already lost one brother through horrific circumstances and yet you run the risk of losing another because of your recklessness. I hate girls like YOU who epitomise all the qualities I find repulsive about high class, spoiled rich little brats like YOU thinking life is all about having fun and to hell with the consequences." Yibo was enraged.

" I am not about to lose a life. I have an impeccable track record and I won't allow the likes of YOU to break it. Do YOU hear me Zu Ai ? You are my responsibility. If anything happens to You then I am held accountable for it."

Zu was serious now, her face looking a little guilty as she defended herself- " Hey YOU are the one forcing yourself on us not the other way round. I want yo..... "

Yibo grilled Zu some more- YOU LISTEN! YOU want to die then be my guest, but --but YOU are not taking your younger brother with You and this isn't happening on my watch. Zhan can't be in trouble because of you! Got that ?

Zhan approached Zu and Yibo at that moment, over hearing their screams, he came forward, folding his arms in anger, lambasting her- Zu, you are too much. Why did you pull a stunt like this? (Scolds Zu some more) Dad is doing this for our protection. Don't you understand that.

Yibo butt in ruefully- " This is not a time to go all crazy on me. I have commands to bring YOU back safely and to chaperone YOU guys around this town. I have a job to do. This is not my idea of fun. In reality s**t happens and you just have to grow up. You are not a kid anymore. "

Zu spouted back feeling disheartened by Zhan's abrupt words- " It's him! He's the one showering me with insults and you Zhan --you are having a go at my expense for him. I know you like him but i don't. I feel so... "

Zhan understood- Zu was Hurt and confused! He spoke softly, "I know how you are feeling. Just don't do anything stupid Zu please. "

Yibo took a lighter note, his gaze softened - Zu this is plainly not a personal attack, I am just trying to be professional. I don't want to be your friend and neither do I want to be your babysitter. I am here to do a job. Please abide by my few simple rules ok. I do have authorization from your father to make this swift and pain free by dragging you around like dolls by hook or by crook whatever it takes. Your father is scared. I know you are both afraid but leave the hard work to me.

Zu gave up. She couldn't reason with Yibo -Fine! But no Tarzan antics with me. So long as you don't breach my personal space then I'm fine. You sure have a way with words. (Glares at Zhan ) I am angry at you for not taking my side.

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