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     Having to restart your life in a new town sucks, to say the least. Having to restart your life in a small town that doesn't take too kindly to outsiders and is known for the large number of murders that happen there is worse. Your parents decided moving to a new town for your first year of college would be good for you. They thought staying in your previous house would be too hard for you.

     You sigh as you stare out the window, watching the snowy trees fly past into a blur of green, white, and brown hues as music blasts on your headphones.

     "Are you excited to see the new house?" Your mother questions, glancing at you through the rearview mirror with a bright smile on her face.

     "Yeah," you reply, looking at your phone to find a new song. Right as you find a new song, a notification pops up.







I thought you wanted to go to some fancy school in New York


Nah the school I wanted to go to was too expensive


ohh I see When are you coming?




cool cool, we can explore the town together then


For sure

     You smile as you look at your phone. Kye has been one of your closest friends since you were a freshman in high school. He is the only friend you have left. Your gaze drifts back to the window as you reminisce about your old friends.

     "Hey!" The two siblings shouted simultaneously. You turned to look at them with a large smile on your face.

     "Hey," you said, going to hug them.

     "Looks like everyone's here," Kye said, "let's get going. The sun's about to set."

     The group walked down the street to the nearby hill. It was the perfect spot to watch the sunset. You walked between the twins, holding hands with the boy to your left, your fingers intertwined. You glanced up at him to see he was looking at you with a joyful smile.

     You blink away the tears that had begun to form, as your memories took a darker turn.

     The boy you had grown to love was gone. Kye held you as you sobbed in his arms, whispering sweet words and encouragement through his own tears. Your body racked uncontrollably with tears, as you babbled nonsensical words to her. The news of his disappearance being the only thing on your mind. You blamed yourself, even though you knew there was nothing you could have done to stop it. Yet the only thing going through your mind were questions and predictions of how everything would be different if you were there. Both of the siblings were gone now, and there was no getting them back.

     "Y/n. We're here," your mother calls, tapping your leg to get your attention.

     "Your mom was calling you for like five minutes. What are you daydreaming about?" Your dad says with a chuckle.

     "Oh, uh nothing. Sorry" you say, getting out of the car.

     In front of you stood a large cottage style house. Various colors of flowers grew in front of the house. You stare in shock at the sheer size of the house, your family had never been too wealthy. Living in such a large home was a pleasant surprise.

     "It's nice, right?" Your dad says grinning.

     "Yeah," you reply, walking to the trunk to grab your bags.

     You walk towards the house, leaving your parents to talk about when the moving truck would arrive. As you walk up to the front door, you look around to see the forest surrounding your house. You knew your house was a little ways from the town, but you didn't think the only thing near your house, other than the forest, would be a single road. You take one last glance at the surrounding woods, before opening the door.

     You set your bags near the front door to go look around. The room extended the length of the house, with another room, the kitchen, cutting through halfway. You could see a door to the left of the back door. The staircase stood in front of the door, at the back of the room.

     "Damn it!" your dad yells near the car.

     "What's wrong?" You question as you walk outside.

     "There was an accident, a mix up with the trucks. Our stuff won't get here for a week," your dad explains, grimacing.

     "You're not the only one with bad news," your mom says, everyone turning to her as she continues, "my dad has been really sick lately. There's no one to take care of him."

     "That's terrible. We should go to help out," your dad says, his expression morphing into a look of concern.

     Your mom nods before she turns to you, "Y/n, you should stay here."

     You nod. Your dad put the bags back in the trunk before both say a quick goodbye. You stood in place, watching as they pulled out of the driveway and started down the road. Once their car is out of sight, you turn to go into the house. As you walk up the path to your front door, you feel your phone buzz in your pocket.




My car has a flat tire

I wont get there today


Damn Its cool, we can hang out tomorrow drive carefully



thanks :*

     You smile at your phone as you close and lock the door. You shove your phone back in your pocket before freezing.

     "Shit. I don't have any food. Or a bed, or blankets," you sigh at the realization that you would have to go into town tomorrow. With another sigh, you go upstairs to pick your room. Deciding not to be picky, you choose the room closest to the staircase.

     The room was fairly large. You walk to the window, open it, then poke your head out. The window is right above the back door. The room itself has a certain chill, it felt like it was impossible for the house to be warm.

     "This is perfect. I don't have shit, but a charger, some clothes, and a pocket knife. All during winter," you mutter to yourself while sighing, "it is what it is, I guess."

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