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"Matt wait..."


"Can you stay with me please...?"

Alissa's POV:

"Just leave me the hell alone, it's been 5 years." I said quietly.

I did not expect to ever have to fucking see her face ever again.

"Hmm... how about..." Angela started.

"No." Angela said and two boys shoved me into the pool at Angela's command. Plunging me into the deep end of the pool.

"FUCK! HELP!" I screamed.

Chris's POV:

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? She said she couldn't swim!" I yelled as I desperately tried to shove these people out of the way and dived into the pool to get Alissa out.

People were screaming because they didn't actually think this dumbass Angela girl was actually going to throw her in. And what the fuck did Alissa mean when she said it had been five years. My thoughts were everywhere but I had to worry about dragging Alissa out of the fucking water.

I got her out of the pool and starting yelling at people to back the fuck away while I took her to the car. I've never been so miserable at a party in my entire life.

Matt's POV:

"Can you stay with me please...?" Hailey said quietly.

Well fuck.

"I don't think..."


I sighed and ran one hand through my hair. Why is it so different now. I mean we never knew each other in person and now that we do... best friends do shit like this all the time what makes us so different?

"Hailey... listen. Don't you think that it's... weird?" I ask.

What am I doing? What am I doing?

She sat up a little bit. I knew she was still high on fucking brownies and shit so this is a stupid idea but maybe she'll be more open or some shit.

"What's weird...?" she asked.

"I- I don't know.. I uh. Well. I Just. Uh." I tried to speak but I just sound like I'm saying random shit. I don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe it's that I'm just worried for my friend or maybe it's that she just looks so fucking beautiful right now. Her brown eyes were sparkling, even though they were dilated they were still beautiful. Her hair was a little messy but she made it so fucking hot. Holy shit nope, what am I even saying-?

"You're staring Matt." She smirked.

"I. Uh. Sorry." I say. WHAT THE FUCK? SORRY? What type of response was that?

"Go to sleep. Hay.. you're high as fuck. I wasn't staring okay?" I said but I turned and she was already asleep. Figures.

Chris's POV:

"Alissa. Holy shit holy shit holy shit are you okay?" I asked. She was breathing because I was able to get her out quickly.

Fuck okay uh.

"Yeah... sorry I uh. Angela is Just a bitch Anyways.." she said.

"No. No. Don't be sorry what the actual fuck. She was an asshole, who the hell even was she and what did you mean by five years?" I yelled. Okay, I know I'm being an asshole but I'm just worried as fuck. First Hailey, now Alissa.

𝘙𝘦𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 💕 𝘔𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘸 𝘚𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘰Where stories live. Discover now