The Garden of Eden

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It was cold. Freezing cold. There was a constant sharp pain in my neck and it just hurt there was also a strange pain in my lower arm around the area Azalea would take blood from. I only saw the backs of my eyelids and I felt like I couldn't open them.

Is this it? Am I dead? It doesn't make sense though, heaven and hell are real and it doesn't look like I'm in either. Am I just asleep?

I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. I was staring to hear voices but they were all muffled and talking over each other and that's when I felt the soft fabric on my back and a more itchy fabric tucked on top of me. It felt like I was wrapped in a bunch of gauze and it was suffocating. I knew my arms were free though so I tried to move them but it hurt so I stopped and let out a whimper. I heard all the voices stop and everything went quiet but my ears were ringing so loud.

Why can't I wake up? Am I going to die?

"(Y/n)? Is that really you?" There was a flash of white that made me jump. It was no longer just the back of my eyelids but I was in a bright green field with thousands of flowers but a majority of them being bleeding hearts. I heard the chirping of doves around as the swarmed me. I looked down and there was a little stone platform on the ground that I stood on. I wanted to respond but I couldn't. I felt like for the past five years. The voice sounded familiar and almost angelic.


It's Lilith's voice.

"Come on (Y/n) just come here already you are taking to long!" She was laughing but not really at me. It was the laugh you would do when your friend did something stupid. "Over here turn around!" She called out again. And I did. And there she stood looking the same she did before she died still covered in her own blood however she was still as beautiful as ever. She looked so young compared to me I didn't realize how much I have aged. "Woah you're so old now!" She pointed out with a laugh. "I'm just kidding. You look good (Y/n) wish I could say the same." She chuckled motioning at herself.

   "You look great Lilith." I cried walking up to her. "I fucking missed you so much!" I started to run up to her and I squeezed her into a hug. I could feel her warmth.

   "Oh it has been so long (Y/n). How have you been?" She pulled away.

   "Oh Satanas where do I begin." I sighed with a smile.

   "Satanas?" She said confused cocking an eyebrow.

    "I have so much to explain." I laughed at her confusion.

   "Here let's go sit over here there is a table. Need a walking stick old woman?" She joked as we began to walk.

   "Oh yes of course my old frail bones are breaking." I joined in on the joke.

    "Woah woah woah! Hold on a second. You are in love with a ghoul?!" She squealed sounding like a teenage girl. Which she was so it only made sense.

   "Yeah." I let out a breathy chuckle. "You know you remind me so much of Swiss."

    "The one that turned you in?" She asked kinda annoyed.

    "Well yes but before he did that. And besides he did end up saving me-."

   "Attempted to save you." She butted in clearly talking about the situation in currently in.

    "I- uh yeah obviously." I gave a sad laugh.

    "You miss them don't you?" She asked softly.

    "I do. But I think I will have always of missed you more." I spoke softly.

   "Go back to them."

   "Huh?" I was confused. I'm already dead how can I go back?

    "Go back to them. They are ghouls so they are only going to go back to hell when they die. You however will come back to me when you do. So go back to them. I don't want your life to be cut short like mine." She told me like it was obvious this was what I should do.

   "Are you sure-?"

    "Yes (Y/n) I'm positive I'll see you again when you're even older and actually need a walking stick." She laughed grabbing my hand from across the table.

   "How um do I go back?"

    "Go over to where you were before and just close your eyes then open them again and I think it should work. I know it sounds stupid but I read it somewhere so if it doesn't work you can blame god." She laughed at the last part.

    "Sounds like a plan Lilith. Will you walk with me?"

   "Of course (Y/n)."

   "Thank you."

   We made our way over to where I was brought on the stone platform.

   "It was good to see you again Lilith." I sniffed using my sleeve to wipe my eyes.

   "Oh don't cry you're gonna make me cry. We are going to see each other again soon anyway." Her voice was also breaking. I stepped onto the platform.

   "Good bye Lilith. I love you." I cried as I smiled. I slowly began to close my eyes and I felt a rush of life and I was back to staring at the back of my eyelids. This time was different though.

   My eyes opened to see the hospital room. I looked to my right to see Swiss and Sodo arguing with each other but stopped when Sodo looked over at me.

   "Holy shit you're awake!" Sodo called out.

   "Oh my Lucifer you're actually alive!" Swiss yelled then tan off. "IM GETTING STEPHANE!" He yelled from behind the door.

   "Oh my Satanas Rain is actually going to freak out." Dew whispered looking at me.

   "Where is he?" I choked out.

    "He's in his room. He's not in the best state of mind right now."

   "What's wrong?" I began to panic.

   "Woah calm down. You had died for a moment and he found out and he's not really taking it well."

   "When can I see him?"

   "Soon hopefully. I know he would love to see you right now." He smiled.

   A few seconds later Stephane and Swiss came running in.

   "Oh thank all things unholy you are awake!" Stephane exclaimed practically jumping towards me. "How are you feeling?" She asked urgently.

   "I feel great honestly." I told her with a smile. She looked taken back at my new found voice.

   "Well that's good but I'm going to have to keep you here for a bit so we know you are okay." She explained.

   "I understand." I smiled up at her.

    "I'll go get you food! I'll be right back!" She bounced out of the room.

   I looked over at Swiss. He was looking at me while picking at the skin on his hands.

     "(Y/n) I am so incredibly sorry! I didn't mean anything I said and I really didn't want to turn you in-"

   "Swiss it's okay I forgive you!" I interrupted him.

    "I'm so sorry." He whispered.

   "When can I see Rain?"

   "It's pretty late he's probably asleep so probably tomorrow. If that's alright?" Swiss told me. I nodded.

   "Did Mountain tell him what I said?"

    "He did."

   "Wish I could've told him myself." I laughed at the situation.

   "You can tomorrow." Sodo smiled and it warmed up the cold room.

Word count 1260
He he the books not over yet

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