...And Our Story Begins

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   I managed to convince Sister Imperator to let me go get gifts for everyone and she ended up giving me money for transportation and to get some things she needed for Christmas the day before. I awoke early to make sure I was actually back before dinner this time. I made sure to pack a mini notebook and a pen to communicate with people.

   I sat waiting at the bus stop the air cold and damp from the day prior. I had a black coat on which was fuzzy on the inside and a dark red and black striped scarf with some black jeans on. I sat with my hands covering my mouth to blow some warm air on to them. The bus finally came so I got on and paid the driver and sat down. The bus was mostly empty with two other people that were on it. They were sat next to each other smiling at each other whispering at each other giggling to themselves. It was clear that they are a couple doing some shopping because they had bags at their feet. I thought of Rain for a second as I looked at them then shook the thought out of my head as I blushed.

   I got off the bus at the town with the nice little art shop. I walked along the street my arms crossed to keep some warmth in. It was all decorated for Christmas with lights and ornaments hanging from the buildings. I found the shop after about two minutes of walking from where I was. I opened the door to have the bells ring indicating that someone was now in but this time the bells were jingle bells. It smelled the same as when I first walked in and I smiled at the memory. I saw the old man from before look up from petting Molly on the counter.

   "Ah hello ma'am it's good to see you again!" He smiled brightly at me his eyes squinted with a twinkle.

   It's good to be back. How are you. I smiled at the man.

   "I've been good, what brings you in today?" He asked warmly.

   I'm looking for a gift for my friend.

   "What we're you thinking?"

Some inking pens and a new sketchbook.

"Right this way ma'am." He walked to the back of the store like we had done all those months ago. "Feels like yesterday you were in here." He smiled again.

I know I was going to come earlier but I live kinda far now. I gave a sad smile. I did truly wish to come here more often but I lived a good hour away now.

"Oh don't worry about it you are here now!" He spoke as I looked at the shelf for a sketchbook. There was one it was a descent size book made out of a dark blue leather with a engraved water drop. My eyes lit up this was perfect for Rain! I grabbed it and felt the leather it has yet to be broken in. "That one it is!" He gave a chuckle. "Here the pens are this way." He lead me to the middle of the store where all the pens were. I grabbed a pack of twenty four copic markers for Rain. "Will that be all ma'am?"

Yes thank you so much! I smiled at him. He rung me up and put it in a bag as I pet Molly as she purred.

"Take care ma'am come back soon!" He handed me the bag and waved goodbye.

Thank you I'll see you soon! I walked out of the store the bells ringing again. The cold air bit at my nose as I walked down the street to find any more stores so I can get the other ghouls gifts and I found a cool music store that sold records and instruments and other things I could get them.

I walked in and made sure I had my notebook at the ready because I know how people in music stores are.

This store was big and the walls were a bright red and the floor had a black carpet. There was a wall covered in guitars and another one with a basses. On the other side there was a wall of records that I walked towards the records because I found out that Dew likes a couple of the bands that I like so I'm gonna get him a record along with Aether. I know Mountain was complaining about him running out of drum sticks so I'll get him some of those and Swiss wants a new guitar strap and some pics.

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