Puppets (The first show)

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      I managed to make it back to my room without anyone seeing so that's good. I got changed and ready for bed and just sat in bed doodling for an hour before settling my alarm and went to sleep.

    The next day was the ritual. I knew it was at 8:00 so I didn't have to get ready for it so early. I got up and got ready for the day getting dressed with a dark red shirt that had black lace around the neckline tucked into some black flare pants that had a matching black lace pattern. I put on a little eyeliner just around my eyes to really put the look together. That's when there was a knock on my door.

    "(Y/n) come out we are gonna have breakfast with Lance and his friends!" Zara banged on the door. I smiled as I got up Lance and his friends were fun people and very funny they reminded me of my old friends when I was younger.

    I opened the door to see Zara and Jordan with smiles on their faces. It was clear Zara liked Lance. Jordan on the other hand likes this one boy Sean who was definitely the funniest out of the group. He also had an amazing music taste because we liked all the same bands and turns out we both snuck out to see a lot of the same shows we went to when we were younger which was funny. I could tell Jordan was a little confused with the bands we were talking about and I saw her googling the bands which I thought was funny and cute that she wanted to get to know them.

"Alright let's go!" Zara locked her right elbow with mine and her left with Jordan and the three of us left to breakfast laughing to the whole way to the cafeteria.

    We got there to see Lance ,Sean Jason and Jason2. Definitely not at all confusing. Jason and Jason2 have been friends since middle school and they needed a was to tell them apart so now we have Jason and Jason2. Then there was Alec who was definitely the quietest out of the group but every time he did talk it was always funny. Lance was the first one I met and definitely the main character of the group. He was tall, attractive ,athletic and funny. He was overall an amazing guy.

"How are you ladies doing this fine morning?" Lance joked out.

    "Quite well, and you?" Zara joked back giving the same energy.

     "Ah just perfect, aren't we boys?" They all nodded and laughed. "Are you three going to the ritual tonight." Lance changed the subject.

     "Yup!" Zara answered.

     "Wonderful we will see you guys there you should come stand with us."

      "Lance they definitely will." Sean spoke up slapping his friend in a joking manner then looked up at Jordan. I could see her face blush.

     We just about finished breakfast as we started to clean up our mess. We had to tend to the garden today which only took like three hours to replant and clean up flowers pick some veggies that were done growing and water the plants.

     "Well we are off to do our chores we should hang out after in the courtyard it's a nice day out." Sean spoke up.

     "That's a good idea." Agreed Jordan and Jason at the same time. Jason responded louder the Jordan had.

     "Well we will see you boys later text us when you're ready!" Zara called out walking out of the cafeteria.

     I wiped sweat off my forehead with the back of my dirt covered glove as I picked carrots out of the ground. It was a nice day if you were outside just walking but actually working was horrible. I finally finished and stood up with a basket of carrots in my hand. I set them down and took my gloves off and grabbed the hose to clean off my hands. Thank god we had a gardening uniform because this job is messy. I water down the veggies and some flowers. I got this brilliant idea to spray Zara and Jordan with the hose. It's not like we aren't going to shower after this besides it's hot out. I quickly returned my thumb to the nozzle and sprayed them from behind.

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