Fourteen | | Bentley's First Kiss

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Friday night rolled around quicker than Bentley thought it would. With no sign of Alora at all he found himself in a state of depression that didn't allow him to get out of his bed.

He didn't attend school for the rest of the week after finding out she had left.

Rylan had obviously noticed his friend's absence and showed up at his house with video games and pizza but was still unable to persuade him to return back to his usual self but what really shocked Rylan the most was how quickly Bentley was to say yes to going to Bethany's
party when he had asked him.

The two teens stood outside of Bethany's house once again, while Rylan was ecstatic to have been invited for the second party, Bentley on the other hand could feel his anxiety creeping up on him no matter how hard he attempted to push it down and pretend it didn't exist.

"Try not to freak out too much, Bentley. She invited you personally, don't make her regret it." Rylan nudged his friends shoulder so the both of them could make it inside, only when they walked in the party wasn't what they expected.

It was unusually quiet in the sense that there wasn't any loud music booming throughout the house that could be heard from down the road. The only sounds that could be heard were a couple of loud voices that Bentley couldn't make out.

They walked into the living room of Bethany's house where they found the party, and by party they meant 8 other people including Bethany herself. There was an equal number of boys and girls and oddly enough they didn't appear to be dressed for the equation. "Finally! You guys took your time. Now we can start the party." Bethany stood up from the couch where she marched up to Bentley and Rylan, where she grabbed their hands and led them into the middle of the living room. "Sit!"

Both boys complied, sending one another confused looks at what was happening. "Welcome to my private party that I personally invited you all along too. While I thoroughly enjoyed the last one, I figured I would go for something a bit more intimate with the people I'm close with." Bethany had prepared a speech for the small group of people that she invited along and once again the two newcomers were very confused. "I've arranged a bunch of party games for us to play, but first we'll start with some drinks to set the mood." Bethany and one of her girlfriends handed out individual cans of alcohol that she insisted everyone drank.

Rylan was eager to listen to Bethany's demands so he practically chugged the drink in one sitting, Bentley, on the other hand only took a couple of sips, not enjoying the strong taste of vodka, but also not wanting to go against Bethany's words. He sheepishly took a big gulp of the alcoholic beverage when he noticed Bethany look his way, although he almost spat the drink out when he noticed a small smile on her face before she broke the eye contact.

Everyone was talking amongst one another, including Rylan and one of Bethany's girls, but Bentley was awkwardly looking around and avoiding eye contact with everyone else. He felt out of place in this sort of environment, the only reason he agreed was because a part of him was hoping that Alora would turn up, but obviously this party was a complete twist to what he expected it to be.

"Okay! Now that we've all got a bit of liquid courage in us. It's time to start the first fun game." Bethany held up the empty bottle in her hand to show everyone. "Spin the bottle!" She squealed while everyone cheered but Bentley who was suddenly a lot more terrified then he was before. "Gather around in a circle." Bentley was pulled along by Rylan to sit around the empty bottle that would soon decide everyone's fate. "Whoever it lands on will go first and then they have to spin to decide who they will kiss and so on." Bethany's spin resulted on it landing on one of the guys that had been talking to Bethany the entire time, the guys has evidently got a crush on her.

He spun the bottle only for it to stop on the girl beside Bethany. His shoulders slumped at missing out on the girl next to her but still crawled over and placed a kiss on the girls lips who blushed looked down when he pulled away.

Suddenly it was all beginning to get real, Bentley didn't believe that everyone would actually kiss on another but they were certainly going for it.

The next we're a couple that had already fancied one another so they happily kissed, and it was a heated one. Bentley looked away as the two made out passionately in front of everyone.

The spin afterward landed on two girls, one of which Rylan was talking to leaving him with a smirk on his face as he watched the two girls kiss eachother shyly.

Annie, was the name of the girl that Rylan was chatting up, and it landed on her once more to spin the bottle, only this time it landed on a happy Rylan. Rylan placed his hand on the girls cheek and they kissed for a short time before they both pulled apart.

"My turn!" Bethany grabbed the bottle and spun it hard.

Bentley felt his heart dropped as the top of the bottle slowed down and fell onto him. If Bentley had some experience in kissing, this situation would be a whole lot easier than what it was, but he didn't. So he twiddled his fingers and hoped, with fingers crossed, that Bethany would be too disgusted to kiss him, but nothing ever seemed to go his way.

Bentleys eyes widened as Bethany stood up from where she was sat across from him and walked her way over. She sat down in front of the shy boy, her eyes on him the entire time.

Everyone was cheering the girl along, excluding the guy that had a crush on her, who was definitely angry by the look on his face, and Rylan who kept glancing back and forth between the two. A part of Rylan wanted to step in and save his friend from the uncomfortable situation, but a part of him wondered if this was actually something that Bentley wanted judging from the crush he previously had on the popular girl.

"Looks like it's our turn to kiss." Bethany whispered, her eyes flickering down to Bentleys lips. She leaned forward, placing her hands on Bentley and like slow motion, her lips connected with his own.

Bethany's eyes were closed as she enjoyed the kiss while Bentley was too afraid to close his own. His ears were ringing loudly and the only thing he could hear was his heart pounding in his chest.

Rylan eyes were as wide as possible not only from watching his best friend experience his first kiss but also the fact that Alora Blanche had walked into the room right as the two connected for their uncomfortable kiss.

Alora stopped as she watched the guy she had a crush on kiss another girl. She looked back at Brendon who only looked down at her with a look of sympathy. "Oh! Alora... and friend. Nice of you to finally join us!" Bethany pulled away from the kiss when she noticed Alora standing there, she had a bright smile on her face as she greeted the two.

Bentley on the other hand, felt his heart fall to the bottom of the pit when he turned his head and saw Alora stood with a frown on her face. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped when Alora turned around and walked away.

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