Ten | Peach Skies And Suprises

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Alora had a smile on her face the entire day as she prepared for the date that they would be going on. She had decided to take control of the date and plan it out for them as she knew how nervous Bentley was just sitting next to her.

It wasn't a lot, but she had created a makeshift picnic that she would bring to a cliff side where they would watch the sunset. She wanted it to be something special and the cliff that she would always visit to take her mind off of things was the best place to share this moment with Bentley. 

Alora was in the kitchen packing away the food that she was going to be taking when her older brother walked in. "What's this for?" Raymond crosses his arms over one another as he stared curiously at his younger sister.

Alora had to do a double take when she glanced back and saw him standing there. "What are you doing here?" She spat. She started to pack everything quicker so she wouldn't have to stay in the presence of her brother for much longer.

"Our parents wanted to speak to me, said that it was urgent and insisted that I come down here." He responded unenthusiastically.

Alora scoffed at his use of wording. "Your parents, you mean?" She shoved past her brother and exited the house as she made her way to Bentley's.

The frown that was once on her features morphed at the sight of Bentley waiting by his mailbox. He was fidgeting left and right while also anxiously looking around. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting long." Alora called out as she approached him.

Bentley's head snapped over to her direction and the fidgeting stopped. "You're here?" He asked almost with relief.

"Of course, I couldn't miss a date with you." Bentley's ear turned red at the mention of a the date they were going on.

"I- where are we going?" He gestured down to the picnic basket Alora was carrying and he took note of the beautiful pink sundress that she was wearing. Bentley was thankful that he didn't decide to overdress on their date and went with something that he thought was a little bit more comfy and casual.

"You'll See." Alora smiled brightly at him before leading the way. "What do you like doing, Bentley?" Alora made conversation with the quiet boy.

"Like for fun?" He questioned.

"Like for fun, yes."

"I like studying, I guess." He shrugged unsure of his response.

Alora glared at Bentley who walking by her side but didn't catch the look that she sent him. "Come on, there's got to be something else that you enjoy that is actually fun."

"Studying can be fun, sometimes. But I like hanging out with Rylan." He said as he kept repeating what Rylan had told him.

"Hanging out with Rylan. What do you guys do?" As much as it may seem like Alora was interrogating him, she was trying to discover his interest so that the next time they hung out it could be enjoyable for him, in particular.

"Usually, I go over and we play video games. Or sometimes we just walk around turn and talk but we also go to this little cafe. It has great hot chocolates." He explained, his eyes lit up as he spoke about the things that he enjoyed something Alora was very much appreciative of.

The two had arrived at the cliff in a short amount of time and sun was just beginning to set. "Welcome to my place of peace." Alora layed out the blanket she had brought and placed out tubs of fruit and chips. It wasn't much, but it was all that Alora could think of in the short span of time.

She always wanted to go on a picnic and now she was.

"How did you find this?" Bentley was mesmerized by the sight of the peach colored sky that was on full display to them.

Alora had seen this exact view too many times to count, so she watched Bentley instead. "I walk around a lot. It's surprising some of the things that you come across."

Bentley locked eyes with Alora, his own eyes admiring her appearance. "This is nice, thank you." They stared at each other for a couple of second before Bentley broke eye contact and returned back to the sun.


"So, let me get this straight. Beth-annoying poured milk and cereal in your backpack and as you were throwing it away Rylan offered to eat it for you?" Alora recounted the story that Bentley had told about the first time him and Rylan had met.

"I thought he was being a jerk at first, but apparently he was being serious." Bentley remembered the time that Rylan had followed beside him with his bag full of cereal and a spoon. He remembered feeling disgusted that this stranger was so uncaring about eating food out of a random persons bag, but the situation ended up being very light hearted and one for the books that's for sure.

"He's quite the character, that one."

By now the sun had set clearly and the sky filled with nothing but stars was on full display to them. "He is, but I'm glad I met him. I don't think I would've been able to get through school without him." The tone of the conversation changed at the snap of the fingers at what Bentley had said. "For as long as I can remember I've been bullied. It was just slightly more tolerable having him around."

"I hate people. Everyone thinks they're better than everyone else so they treat others differently." Alora replied.

"Yeah, but they bully me because I'm smart so I guess it's kind of a win loss situation. Like, they're fueling my ego but also destroying it." Bentley actually chuckled as he explained his situation and Alora felt almost weak at his laughter. It gave her butterflies and made her feel happier.

She liked the sound of his laughter.

"You are very smart. I don't know how you do it, but I hear people talking. I've heard all about the boy in the year 11 history class that Might as well be the teacher." Whilst Alora didn't know who the strange girl from the toilet stalls was talking about, she was well aware now of who this genius is.

"Oh! That's kind of embarrassing." Bentley responded timidly.

"Don't be embarrassed. You should be proud that your actually going to get somewhere good in life." Alora attempted to reassure him.

"What if- What If I don't want to do all that? What if I wanted to do something that I actually wanted to do?" Bentley questioned. He wouldn't take the credit for why he is the way that he is, it was all his parents and he hated himself because of that.

"Then do it. Nothing better than being in a place in life that you actually want to be in."

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