Eleven | | Alora is out

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It was like a scene out of a movie the way that the two of them walked back to Alora's house hand in hand. The date was perfect, a feeling that was mutual.

In Alora's head she was already planning out a million more things to do with Bentley. While in his head, Bentley was wondering if joe was the moment to show Alora how he feels. He knew this was what happened in all those movies that he watched, but he wondered if now was too soon. "See, I'm not as bad as everyone makes me out to be." Alora glanced down at their hands that were connected and his squeezed his softly.

"I never thought you were a bad person. Don't get me wrong, I was terrified of you and what you could potentially do to me, but now I realize that I was wrong for assuming that." Bentley explained.

"It's whatever." Alora shrugged her shoulders. "Well, this is me." They stopped out the front of her house.

"I had fun today. Next time do you think that I could plan it?" Bentley asked shyly.

Alora smiled at his facial features. "I'd be more than happy with that." Out of the corner of her eye, Alora noticed that there were two cars home, meaning her brother and her parents were home. "I better go. I'll see you at school." Alora kissed Bentley on the cheek and rushed off into her house with cheeky smile that was immediately wiped away once she was met with her family gathered around in the kitchen.

"Nice to see you finally showed up." Her mother said sarcastically. "Who was that boy you were with?"

"Don't worry about it?" She eyed her family suspiciously before attempting to make her way up the stairs.

"Alora! We need to have a talk." Her father called out from behind her. She pt her things back in her room and returned back downstairs. "Over the course of the year we have received quite a few negative phone calls from the school, care to explain what's going on?"

"School sucks, always has, always will." She looked up at her brother who refused to meet her eyes. "Can we get to the point?"

"Listen, we've been pondering for a while now whether it's good for you to be here." Alora was shocked to hear her fathers words but kept quiet to let him finish. "That's why Raymond is here. Your brother has been nice enough to secure you a spot in the local university where he lives and maybe then you get your act together."

"Your sending me away? Seriously?" Alora scoffed at her parents who were still refusing to take care of her in the way that parents should. "Why am I actually surprised?" She mumbled to herself.

"It's nice there, Alora. You can get away from this town and these people-" Raymond's eyes flickering to their parents. "-And actually strive to achieve something. I'm willing to work with you the entire way so long as you are."

"Did you become a comedian when you left? Get fucked, the lot of you." Alora wanted to storm away but was stopped once more by what her mother said next.

"It's either that or you leave this house. You're the reason we're stuck here in the first place and I've had it with you. So, you pack your things and get gone, or go with Raymond." Her mother screamed.

"I'll be back to collect my things tomorrow." Alora said with a cold heart. She wanted to scream at her so-called family and tell them how shitty they are as people and parents, but for now she would keep quiet.

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