Two | | Smoky Stalls and Fan Fics

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When Alora woke up that morning, she did everything she needed to do in order to prepare for school, and by that she changed her clothes and went downstairs for breakfast.

She hadn't planned on staying home for long, so she went for an apple in the fridge as her breakfast.

Before she was able to head out, Alora was stopped by her mother who blocked her path. "Where are you off to?" Her mother questioned, her arms were crossed in front of her chest and she had a glare in her eyes.

Alora frowned and glanced towards her father who appeared to be equally unimpressed. "To school..?" She answered.

"Oh, really? You aren't sneaking out again like last night?" Her mother snarked.

"Seriously? What did you come and check if I was still listening to the bullshit you guys were talking about last night. One minute you act like you don't give a fuck about me, the next minute your whining again. Make up your mind!" Alora exclaimed.

A tense silence fell between the two as they continued their stare off. Alora was the first to break eye contact, and as she did she received a slap to the face resulting in a harsh sting to her cheek. "What the fuck, mom!" She cried, her hand went up to her cheek to soothe the pain.

"You have no right to talk to me like that."

"And you have no right to talk shit about me and then pretend you care, get the fuck out of my way." Alora pushed past her mother and out the front door, making sure to slam the door behind her as emphasis to her anger.

Alora pulled out her phone to take a look at the damage and found that her cheek had heated up to a bright red. "Great, no makeup either." Alora sighed aggressively. "I'll probably come home later and she would've forgotten that she hit me and then accuse me of getting in fight again." She muttered to herself.

As she passed by the run down house she stopped and took a look at it. There was no signs of movement through the open windows, and the boy from the night before was nowhere to be found. "I hope he's okay." She whispered, her eyes landing on the spot where he was sitting when she found him.

She couldn't lie, her thoughts were plagued with the mysterious boy who had run away from her, she wanted to know more about him, and with the knowledge that he knew Alora, it wouldn't be hard to find him.

When Alora arrived at school she met up with her group, none of them bothering to ask why she had a red mark on the side of her face. She hung out with them before claiming that she needed to speak to a teacher before class and separated from the group.

Alora strolled around for a little in the year 12 area, in search of the boy, before concluding that he either wasn't at school today or wasn't in her year level. She headed off into the direction of the other side of the school where she would come across the year 11 area. She had made up her mind that if she couldn't find him here than she would give up, as she wasn't going to continue attempting to desperately search for someone that wasn't here or was in a year level too young for her to even associate with.

People finding was a lot harder to do than what Alora has originally thought it would be, whether it be the fact that she didn't get a good enough glimpse of the boy she met late at night or the fact that every person in the school was wearing the exact same uniform that made it hard to tell people apart, especially if there wasn't a unique feature to accompany them.

It wasn't until she reached the year 11 locker bay that she started to gain hope as she caught a glimpse of a boy that looked similar to her midnight mystery. She wouldn't speak to him today, but she was grateful to know that he wasn't some oddly older looking child.

As she exited the locker bay, Alora bumped into a girl she had mutual with. "I'm having a party at my place, 7pm. Show up or don't, it doesn't bother me." Bethany Hill, her and her obnoxious voice got on every single nerve that was located inside of Alora's body, and she was an immediate mood killer the second she stepped into rooms.

"Don't count on it." Alora grumbled as she pushed past the younger girl. Alora was irritated at how quickly the annoying girl was able to ruin her happy mood and now she no longer wanted to show up to her first class. This lead to her sitting in the girls toilet, a cigarette in one hand as she spoke to the girl who sat on the ground below her.

"History is such a drag. Especially since there's this one boy who already knows everything. He might as well teach the class at this rate, and get this, he isn't even in our year level." The girl whined as she snatched the cigarette from Alora's hand. She let out a cough as smoke escaped her lips.

While Alora was completely uninterested in anything the girl had to say to her, she continued to listen as that would waste the time until recess. "And like, we're learning about this one dude from like hundreds of years ago, you know. Like Ancient Egypt or something, and he made some sort of like fan fiction about-" Rudely interrupting the poor girls rant was the door slamming open and heels marching in.

"Whoever is in the end stall, exit immediately." Both girls kept quiet as they heard their Principals voice echo throughout the bathroom. "I am not stupid ladies, I can smell the smoke." To add emphasis to her evidence she let out a loud cough.

Alora took this as her chance of freedom and pushed passed the the girl and escaping the stall of smoke, revealing herself to the principal that was all too familiar with the girl. "Alora Blanche, who would've guessed." She muttered to herself. "Come with me." She exited the ladies bathroom leaving Alora to follow her.

"Thanks for taking the blame." The other girl in the stall whispered to Alora as she was exiting the bathrooms.

As soon as Alora got inside, she took her place in the seat across the table. "Alora, is it possible for you to not do something wrong for one day?" The principal asked. "How many times am I going to have to call your parents for you to understand that your behavior is not acceptable. You know the school the rules and you know the policy." Now Alora had to sit through the principals speech about what's right and wrong, something Alora was certain she could recite. "What's going on, Alora? Is something happening at home? Do I perhaps need to make calls to someone else instead?" She questions, a sympathetic tone laced through her voice. Alora was quick to shake her head and shut down any allegations.

"Nothings wrong." But that wasn't enough for the older woman.

"How can you say that nothings wrong though? You never used to act like this-"

"With all due respect, Miss Adams. Times have changed and I'm not 12 years old anymore. Sorry to disappoint you by not being the perfect student, now can I leave?" Alora and Miss Adams stared each other down before finally the older woman let out a sigh.

"You may leave, but I expect to see you in detention after school on Thursday and you have pickup duty at lunch." Alora stood from her chair not caring about what the principal had to say anymore. "And Alora, If you're caught again the punishment will only get harder on you. You can't expect to get away with everything all the time." Alora rolled her eyes as she pushed through the doors of the office and walked through the empty hallways.

When the hallways were empty it was always the best time to walk through them, something Alora would occasionally do when she would request to go to the bathroom during class. She would wander around and peer through classrooms before returning back to her own. That was how most of her classes went.

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