Seventeen | | For Bentley

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As soon as Alora hopped in Brendon's car the next day he already knew by the smile on her face what had happened. "I didn't expect you guys to have sex this soon." He commented as she started the car.

"That's because we didn't. He asked me to be his girlfriend though, and we kissed, multiple times." She was feeling all giddy inside, something Alora was not used to feeling at all.

"How adorable. Aren't you guys just the cutest couple." He replied sarcastically. M


"Aren't you guys just the cutest couple?" Rylan da obnoxious voice caught the attention of multiple students that glanced over to see who they were talking about, only for them to be surprised at the sight in front of them.

Alora and Bentley met up at the front of the school before class started and they walked hand in hand inside before meeting up with Rylan who was more than excited to see his best friend actually in a relationship. "I can't wait for my god babies to arrive." He pretended to wipe a tear away which resulted in Alora almost wiping it away for him in what would have been a very violent slap if Bentley hadn't of stopped her.

"Ignore him. What class do you have first?" Bentley asked to redirect Alora's attention.

"I don't know I usually skip first period on monday's." She shrugged her shoulder before pulling out her phone and looking at the school app to find her schedule.

"Have you never attended it?" Bentley asked, shock laced in his voice as he looked down at Alora. His hands were beginning to grow sweaty in her hands making him a little embarrassed but a part of him didn't want to let go either.

"Nope. And that's because I have Maths. Whoever decided to put maths first on a Monday needs to go." She spat angrily as she glared down at her phone.

"Your not wrong." Brendon yawned as he revealed himself from behind the group, he too had maths first, and if Alora was attending then so was he. "I can't wait for today to be over with."

"School hasn't even started yet." Rylan mentioned.

"Don't remind me." Brendon groaned.

"So, friends. Where are we off to first?" Alora asked as they walked down the corridor.

"Well, you're off to maths, I'm off to English and Rylan you have sport in the hall." Bentley answered.

"Oh, I meant skipping. But I suppose we can go to class. Brendon and I can walk you guys to your classes-"

"Your skipping aren't you?" Bentley cut her off.

"Fortunately I am. But don't worry I'll have fun for you." She smiled teasingly up at him before dragging him towards where his classroom was.

Brendon and Rylan on the other hand both hung back as they awkwardly walked side by side. "They look happy together." Brendon spoke up to fill the silence.


And it was quiet once again. "I'm Brendon by the way. We kind of didn't get to meet properly last time.

"Rylan." He responded dryly. "Listen, I'm sorry about the other night. I didn't mean to cause you guys problems and I didn't mean to insult you or Alora if that's what your trying to get at."

"It's not, buts it's fine. Just figured we'd be seeing each other more often now, might as well introduce each other formally."

"Yeah, whatever." Nothing else was exchanged between the two as Rylan walked away to his first class while Brendon walked back out towards the front of the school where he waited for Alora to return from dropping Bentley off.

It didn't take long for Alora to return back with an uncharacteristically bright smile on her face. "You've smiled more today than you have ever since I've met you." Brendon passed the freshly lit cigarette over to Alora so she could take a couple of hits.

"I guess I'm a smiley girl deep down." She raised her eyes brows to emphasize her words. "Where to?" She asked as she started walking off a head.

"Alora, wait." Alora turned around to face Brendon who was scraping his shoe on the ground. "Don't you think we should attend class? If you keep skipping you aren't gonna graduate. Isn't that what you want?"

"Well, yeah. Kind of? If you want to go to class you can, I'm not gonna stop you." She shrugged her shoulders.

"I think I will. You should come as well. You never know it might actually be fun." His change of heart made Alora completely rethink her decisions and she suddenly felt bad, like she was the one that dragged him away.

She thought about her parents and how much it would be slap in their faces if she graduated and proved she was just as good as Raymond, even if they weren't around. She thought about herself and the things she would like to achieve in life, or goals as all her teachers say, but most importantly, she thought about Bentley. Alora knew that Bentley wanted her to graduate, he saw something in her that not many people did, and Alora respected that in particular. Some part of her wanted to make Bentley proud.

Alora threw the cigarette on the ground and looked back up at Brendon. "Let's go to class." She smiled, even if it was a false one. "What can go wrong?"


"The fuck is she saying?" She whisper yelled at Brendon who was taking down notes in his notebook.

"Just listen to her and then I'll explain it to you." He responded, his eyes never leaving his pen as he attempted to keep up with the Maths teachers pace. "Trust me it gets easier."

Said nobody ever when it came to maths.

Alora stared up at the alien writing with eyes wide in confusion as she was trying to understand in even the slightest bit of what was going on, but it seemed to be no use the more the teacher continued on with the lesson.

For Bentley, For Bentley.

(The end)

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