Bet 2/2

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HEYY. I know I said that I had it done really soon but I had forgotten and wanted a break you know?😭 also sad to say that this may be the last thing that will ever be posted on this series. That or I just won't post much on this often. Sorry guy 😔 BUT I LOVE YALL SMMM(>∀<) OKAY ENJOY (I'm pretty sure you guys can tell I got lazy at the end sorry.)

The only thing they could hear were their footsteps. Zhongli could hear that Childe mumbled something under his breath.
"What was that?" Zhongli couldn't hear him at all. Childe then again said something under his breath. Zhongli then turned his head a little bit to look at him.

His face was a dark color of red. Zhongli didn't really understand. When Childe said it once more Zhongli finally heard him.
"You..." Although he still said it quietly, Zhongli still heard him. They didn't take a moment to stop, they just sped up their walking speed.

"Me?" Childe nodded his head slowly. He didn't dare to look at Zhongli right now. All he could look at was the ground.
"So I see." Childe was a little shocked to see Zhonglis reaction. He thought that he might have been very confused or something like that. don't have a problem with that right?" Childe then finally looked at Zhongli.
"No, not all. In Fact I do feel the same way." Childe's face lit up. Zhongli felt a little bad. Since he was only doing it for the bet. But Childe was his best friend.

So he would understand. Right? Childe was then feeling bold at that moment. Maybe it was because he was filled with happiness. Childe reached for Zhongli's hand.

"What is it?" Obviously Zhongli couldn't get the hint.
"W-Well since you know...we like, like each other and stuff..." Childe's face was starting to get red again.
"Oh. Is this the type of stuff couples do?" Childe nodded his head.
"Alright then." Zhongli then grabbed Childe's hand. They both then held each other's hands all the way to school.

Childe was smiling the whole time. When they got to class Childe sped off to his desk. Zhongli's desk was behind him. Zhongli took his sweet time getting to his desk. After a while the bell rang and class started.

Zhongli was doing his note taking as usual, but Childe wasn't. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Childe never takes notes. But this time Childe was listening and looking at the teacher and not doodling in his journal. Zhongli then tapped Childe on the shoulder.

He jumped just a little. Childe then slowly turned his head.
"Y-Yes Zhongli?" (Their whispering btw 🧍‍♂️)
"What's wrong?" Zhongli asked. Childe was confused of course.
"What do you mean?"
"You're paying attention." Childe once more didn't understand.

Childe tilted his head in confusement.
"Would you like to copy my notes?" Childe thought it was a little weird since Zhongli never lets him copy his notes.
"Why all of a sudden?"
"Because we are boyfriends." Zhongli said it with a straight face. But to Childe he made a little loud squeal that everyone heard and his face turned red. Childe then immediately turned around.

Zhongli was the confused one now. After class was done they had a (around) 5 minute passing period.
"Childe. Would you like to get something to drink?"
"Sure!" Childe said pretty loudly. But it never really bothered Zhongli.

As long as Childe was happy Zhongli would be too. As they both left the classroom Zhongli immediately held Chide's hand. It caught Childe of garud a little.
"Let's go." They both then held hands. For some reason Zhongli couldn't help but feel happy.

He slowed down his walking pace so he could enjoy this moment a little longer. When they got to the little vending machine Zhongli immediately stopped walking. But he didn't let go of Childe's hand.
"What do you want to drink? I'll buy it for you." Childe then pointed the the strawberry milk. After a few minutes of chatting the bell rang.

"We must go now." But when Zhongli said that Childe didn't move. He was still sitting down on the chairs and smiling.
"Childe?" Zhongli then waved his hand in his face.
"Oh! Yeah sorry."
"You alright?" Childe then smiled more.
"Yeah...I just I couldn't be happier..." Zhongli felt guilty.

"Me too..." Although when he said that he wasn't smiling nor looking at Childe. He looked away guilty to look him in the eyes.
"Let's go."
"Mhm." They both then got up and went to class. Holding hands of course. After a few weeks of "dating" Zhongli realized that he had this feeling. That he had never felt before.

Perhaps he was starting to really get feelings for Childe he thought. It didn't really bother him. He did like being with Childe and getting to be close with him all the time. But he still couldn't help but feel guilty because of the bet. Before Zhongli had realized it, 1 month had already gone by since they started dating. Zhongli accepted the fact that he truly did have feelings for Childe.

When Zhongli came home he found Hu Tao lying on his bed. It didn't really scare him anymore since he knows that she comes through the window.
"Heyyy~" Hu Tao said while waving her fast at an unhumaily fast speed.
"What do you want."
"Heyy, that's no way to treat a good old pal like me." Zhongli only scoffed.
"Go now. Childe is here and I want it to just be the two of us."
"You guys have been dating for quite some time. Keep it up and you might win the bet." She said Jokingly. But it made Zhongli stop. Since he was so happy with being with Childe he almost forgot about the guilt.
"If you also keep this up I might go broke." She then rolled over on his bed. But then Zhongli heard a creek from his bedroom door.

It was open. With Childe standing there. He had a box in his hands. He could only stare at him. Childe tried to say something but only his mouth opened wide.

Zhongli could see the tears starting to fill up.
"Z-Zhongli...I-I..." Childe then dropped the box. He started crying but he ran out of Zhonglis house.
"Childe please wait!" Zhongli went to see what was in the box. When he opened it up it revealed a little cake that said Happybrithday.

Zhonglis heart stopped. Not even he had remembered his own birthday. Zhongli mumbled something under his breath before running out of his room. Zhongli then left his house and slammed the door. Hu Tao was still confused.

Zhongli was running as fast as he could trying to find Childe. He couldn't believe himself. How could he have hurt Childe like that? Zhongli remembered a specific time when he dropped Childe off at his house. Perhaps 1 or 2 times?

He remembered how it looked but couldn't remember which street. After more and more time passed he started to get tired. He stopped in the middle of the street, standing there trying to catch his breath. Zhongli then finally decided to try and call Childe or at least text him. Although when he tried Childe had already blocked his number.

Zhongli cursed under his breath. He slowly started to walk back onto the sidewalk again. When Zhongli looked up to see the sky he saw that it had already turned dark. Not like pretty dark, more like the one that makes you want to stay inside. Not Zhongli though.

He didn't want to lose his best friend, his "boyfriend". Zhongli didn't know if he had a right to call him that. Zhongli then started to run again with barely no breath, his "running" got slow he had to walk slowly. Then out of nowhere he could see just the side of Childe's house. He couldn't help but smile.

He was trying to take in as much air as he could. He ran across the street, just making it to his house. He could see that the lights were still on.

Cliffhanger 😱👍

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