The Teacher And The Student

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Childe couldn't pay attention to anything his teacher was saying. He just kept staring at him. He found his teacher very attractive just like the girls in his class. He always doubted himself because he and his teacher were both guys. But that didn't stop him from loving his teacher. The bell rang.

"Alright, class dismissed. Have a nice day everyone. And please remember to do your homework." Zhongli said. He then sat back down on his chair. Childe then walked up to his desk. Zhongli looked up from his paperwork.

"Ah well isn't it my favorite Student. Childe, what can I do for you today?" Zhongli asked.

"I just needed you to check some of my homework before I turn it in." Childe said.

"You know you have to turn it in so I can check it?" Zhongli replied to Childe.

"O-Oh I do?..." Childe said awkwardly. Zhongli left out a small chuckle.

"Alright get going no- '' Zhongli then stopped himself when he realized something on Childe's wrist.

Zhongli had known Childe for a very long time and has known that he has problems at home. When they first met Childe would always cut himself but Zhongli found a way to stop him.

"Zhongli? Are you okay?" Childe asked while staring into Zhongli's eyes.

"Oh, Yes I am okay. But are you alright Childe?" Zhongli asked worriedly.

"Haha! Of course I'm alright!" Childe said while forcing himself to smile.

Zhongli could tell that Childe was faking. Zhongli then got up out of his chair.

"Are you sure? If you need to talk I'm always here for you. You even have my phone number just in case." Zhongli said while caressing one of Childe's cheeks. Childe started to blush. He was scared if Zhongli was going to notice.

"O-Of course I'm okay!" Childe said while backing up a little.

"Childe, please come here." Zhongli said as he walked towards Childe.

"B-But I'm okay Zhongli..." Childe said. For some reason he was tearing up but he didn't know why. Maybe it was because he was making Zhongli worry so much.

Zhongli could see the tears building up in Childe's eyes. Zhongli then hugged Childe which caught Childe off guard. Childe stuffed his face deeper into Zhongli's chest. Zhongli thought it was cute. Childe felt so loved.

"Alright it's okay..." Zhongli started to pet Childe's hair very lovingly. Childe didn't say anything. He didn't even want to look at Zhongli he felt so embarrassed.

"You're lucky that this is your last period. If you don't want to go home because...that stuff you are welcome to come to my place for one night. How does that sound?" Zhongli said. Childe loved the idea.

He nodded his head yes.

"Alright then let's go." Zhongli said letting go of Childe and wiping away his tears. 

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