The Last Dance

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Childe was so happy today. He got to go to the dance with his crush. Zhongli. He admired Zhongli very much. He was smart and nice. Although he didn't know Zhongli very well they did talk here and there. And from what he knows Zhonglis a gentleman. Childe was done changing.

He couldn't help but smile at himself in the mirror. He then headed down stairs and then for the door.
"I'll be back soon!" Childe said as he left and closed the door. It wasn't Zhongli who was picking him up but one of his friends. Hu Tao. She a,ways teased Childe about how he had a crush on Zhongli.

Hu Tao was honking her horn loudly trying to signal Childe to hurry up.
"I'm here I'm here. Please stop." Childe said. Hu Tao then giggled a little. After a while they reached the dance.
"Seya later!" Hu Tao waved and left Childe to go with her other friends.

Childe took a deep breath and headed inside. He was so excited to see Zhongli. He then spotted him. He squeezed himself threw the ground of people. He couldn't really tell what Zhongli was doing but he could tell he was with an other person.

Probably just his friend. When Childe finally made it there the ground of people Zhongli was with a beautiful girl. Guizhong, yeah that sounds about right. They were dancing with each other.
"Zhongli didn't you say that you were going to dance with an other person. What was his name....Childe?"
"Don't worry about it. I was only joking with him. I didn't really think that he would take it seriously." Zhongli said as he sighed.

What? Just joking? But, but this was supposed to be the happiest day of his life. Was it all just a lie? Childe could feel tears building up.

He could feel the tears falling out of his eyes. As much as he hated Zhongli right now he couldn't let Zhongli seeing him cry. Childe turned around as fast as he could. He pushed himself through the ground again wiping his tears away. He didn't want to wait for Hu Tao so he just left.

He left and walked back home. He thought about everything and how the person he loved was only playing with his feelings. He kept wiping away his tears. When he arrived back home he ran up to his room and started to cry into his pillow. He didn't care about his outfit. He had no energy to take it off.

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