The Night Sea - Par

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TW // un-consensual kissing mention

{ Gar's POV }

Gar ran until he noticed less houses flying past him, and the pavement under his feet turn to sand. He opened his eyes, which were still wet with tears, and looked out onto the shoreline in front of him. He sniffled and started to slowly walk further out onto the sand, then sat down facing the sea. As he tried to slow his crying, he felt the gentle breeze of the night sea hit his face, it was comforting. He wondered if he should've ran away from the party at all, maybe his emotions got the best of him. But it wasn't Gar's time to think about it now, now it was behind him. "Gar! Gar! W- Wait up!" Gar flinched as he heard a voice call out behind him.
He didn't turn around, as he knew exactly who it was. Instead, the person lightly jogged closer to him and then plop down onto the sand next to him. "Gar...?" Gar blinked and then looked at the person. "What do you want Patrck." Gar asked, although it was more like a statement with the hostility in his voice. "Why... Why did you run away?" Patrck asked in a softer voice, seeing as he was upset. Gar looked back to the ocean, it hurt to see him right now. He didn't respond, just let the small sounds of crickets and water fill the air. "... Are you mad at me?" He heard Patrck say.
Gar almost flinched at the question, feeling a hole form in his heart. "No. I... I would never be mad at you" He responded. "Then why are you upset?" Patrck asked in a concerned tone.
"Wade said something." Gar finally said.
Patrck furrowed his eyebrows. "What? What did Wade say, do I need to beat him up?" Patrck asked, although it being a joke it sounded like a genuine offer. "No, no..." Gar paused.
"Did you kiss someone?" He asked, turning to Patrck again. Patrck seemed confused at first, but then an almost guilty look crossed his face.
"Oh. That... I think? I mean, I didn't want to, she just kind of... did it." Patrck said, wrapping his arms around himself. "Why?" Patrck asked, looking at Gar. Gar felt a brief wave of embarrassment. "Oh, you- you didn't want to? Okay, let's just- let's just go back to the party..." Gar stammered out, standing up and starting to walk. He stopped as he felt Patrck grab his arm, still sitting down. "No- Gar, why?" Patrck asked, a more serious expression on his face. Gar looked back at him, unable to tell what Pat was thinking.
"I... uh..." Gar mumbled, feeling his face heat up.
Gar took a deep breath, knowing now he would finally need to tell the truth. "Ok... I... I like you, Patrck. No, I think I love you. I have for a long time. There, are you happy?" Gar confessed quickly, worried about Patrck's response.
For a few seconds, Pat didn't answer, but his grip on Gar's arm loosened a bit and there was some emotion in Pat's eyes, but he couldn't tell which one. Patrck briefly looked away and bit his lip.
"Can I kiss you...?" He asked Gar.
Gar blinked as his face blushed, butterflies beginning to form in his stomach. "Y- yeah."
He responded. Patrck's hand moved from his arm to his shirt collar, pulling Gar in and allowing their lips to meet. Suddenly Gar felt his balance become uneven, due to him standing up and Patrck pulling him down so far. He then fell forward and the two landed on top of eachother, Patrck now laying on the sand, laughing.
"I'm- I'm sorry!" Pat said through his laughs. "Should we try that again?" Gar asked, now sitting up beside Patrck, who also sat up. "Yeah" Pat responded, his laughing slowing. The two leaned in once more and kissed, warmth filling Gar's heart.

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