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We waved off Lucy as she needed to return to her duties.

"Well now what?" Banshee said

"We should ask around for any sign of my sister."

"Where should we start?"

"A bar. There's lots of people there."

By midday we went the closest bar.

We opened the door and barely anyone was inside. Two people were upstairs and only the bartender was downstairs washing dishes.

"How may I help you?" He asked

"I'm looking for people that might know my sister. She's not from around here and she looks like me."

"Not from around here ay?"

He continued washing the dishes when suddenly he put them down.

"A man in the wild. You can find his house near the river next to the field. Not too far from a giant tree in the middle of the field."

"Just one tree? What's it look like?" I asked

He continued washing his plates and pointed at a picture on the wall. I looked at it and it was of a big tree. Taller then any of the houses around here.

"Shouldn't be too hard to find. Once you exit the city just head straight you won't miss it."

"Thank you." I said as we begin our journey

As we walked out of the bar I noticed someone running into an alley. They had a green tunic and wore a green cape also.

"Did you see that?"

"See what?" Banshee asked

I started following the person into the alley but as soon as I turned the corner there was nothing there. Leaves rustled around as if wind was circling the area for a bit.


"Hey! Don't run off like that."

"Sorry. I thought..."

I shook my head. "Let's just get going."

We went to the entrance of the gate until.

"Hey!" A familiar voice yelled

I turned and it was Lucy running towards us.

"Where are you going?" She said when she caught up to us.

"We have to meet with someone out in the wild."

"I'm going on patrol so I could take you there." She said

"Well then let's go."

We went straight just like the man told us. We kept going and saw a huge field with a large tree just like the one in the picture.

"What exactly is that tree?"

"It's the Tree of Life. Also known as the God Tree."

"What does it do exactly?"

"Nothing really it's just a ground where people worship the God of Wind."

You can see in the distance just under the tree was a statue just like the one I saw back then. I looked past the giant tree and noticed an even larger mountain farther away.

"What's that mountain?"

"It's huge!" Cried Banshee

"That's Dragonborn Mountain. Legends say that a village was up on-top the mountain until one day the instantly vanished into thin air."

"Why is it called Dragonborn Mountain?"

"I think I heard somewhere a Dragon was literally born in the mountain, but I don't remember exactly."

We continued the journey.

"Can you tell us more about the Wind God?" Banshee asked

"The Wind God goes by many names. We call Gods Archons and so do the other regions. The Wind Archon goes by the names of Boreas, Zephyrus, Notus and Eurus. He used to give life to the world until he disappeared suddenly. Nobody knows where he went."

There was a short pause.

"There's another story that he terraformed this country when it was in ruin long ago. He created mountains, hills, the fields and everything you see today."

"You must admire him."

"I do. He was and still is my childhood hero."

I saw a pack of Hachimaru's in front of us which she wasn't paying attention too.

"Uhm not to ruin your story but there's a pack of Hachimaru's!"

There was a group of them. Only four normal ones without the alpha.

They growled and we pulled out our weapons ready for combat but suddenly.

I saw someone jump in the air abnormally high and smashed into the ground with a greatsword. Fire irrupted around the Hachimarus blowing them up in and instant.

I couldn't even follow with my eyes. Whoever this was started taking out the Hachimaru's one by one. They slashed down one Hachimaru before it could even react and immediately took the others down with no effort.

I looked over and neither Lucy or Banshee could follow him.

He slashed at the last Hachimaru immediately taking it out.

He put his greatsword on his back and started straightening his glove. He had long red hair and wore a leather coat.

"You need to be more careful Lucy."

"I know. I'm supposed to be on patrol but I was taking this guy to find someone he had to talk too."

"Are you the man who lives by the river?"

"Who's asking?" The man said

"My name is Astro and I'm looking for my missing sister."

"Sister?" Lucy asked confused

"Your sister? I haven't seen anyone around here besides the patrols I'm afraid." He said

"Dammit." I mumbled while looking down.

"It's getting late. You should come by for some tea and tell me more." He said

"Well then. I should get back to my patrol. Astro if you need anything you know where to find me!" She said while walking away

"So will you take my offer?" He said

"Sure why not." I said

We went back to his place. It was a large mansion with a farm nearby.

"So who are you?"

"I am an ex-knight, I still do the duties of a knight but I am not registered as one. My name is Andre."

"So that's why you were on patrol?" Banshee asked

"Correct." He said while opening the door.

"Let's talk about your situation over tea." We walked into his home.

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