Chapter 6: Just The Way You Are

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This chapter is written in Cherryl's point of view.

The following chapter is an inspiration and reimagined side of a music video. The title of the song that would be featured is "Just The Way You Are" by Bruno Mars. Stay tuned for instructions.

"I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
And I keep hitting repeat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat"

I was surprised that Ethan is going to stay here for as long as I can process my documents to move to Australia. I couldn't even process a single sentence to talk back towards him. If I were to be honest, this is too much, considering the fact that he had to spend time with me just to salvage my life to his country, Australia.

I'm gonna be honest. I'm truly in love with Ethan to the point that I would die for him.

That was too much to describe, but given that the moral support that I always gave, I always knew I'm in the right person who I would cherish for the rest of my life.

But him moving to the Philippines just to save me? It's too much.

I can't even process my brain on how would I repay Ethan all along. All I expected, way before I met him, was to be free and explore by myself, but given that he came into my life, my decisions are all bland like how I taste everything. I never would I thought I would fall in love with Ethan or to be cared without considerations. I'm delighted to see myself creating a better future together.

His slightly accented voice melted me to the point I didn't get or comprehend what he said just now.

"Cherryl? Are you still there?" he asked, shifting me back to reality.

"Oh," I fixed my glasses and turns to him. "I just had something in my mind."

"And what is it, babe?" he asked. His chocolate brown eyes stared towards my own as well.

"I'd rather not let you know, it's quite depressing, anyway." I lied. He left me a kiss on my temple.

"It's okay not to discuss it with me, babe. I understand." he said, grabbing his wristwatch he left on the countertop. "I'll give you more time to think."

I was confused to see him grabbing something from his luggage while I was writing up an article for our monthly magazine. I scratched every single mistakes I saw on my own, so I had to secure that I could submit my monthly feature article I made. It was about a set travelling tips I had to conduct a research and type it all out on my personal drafts I have on my personal laptop.

When he came back, I saw him in rush to the point he almost dropped his glasses off. When I saw his face without glasses, I smiled. I took off mine and stare at him struggling to find the glasses he dropped on the floor.

His eyes are like the oceans of chocolates. It was very stunning to see to the point I'd drown into his love.

I shaked that thought and paid attention to my write-ups, which is in its third paragraph. I laid on my own arm to rest, purposely waited for him to come back and talk to me. I admittedly told myself to lie because I couldn't even construct not a single word to begin with.

A song was played on the background, making my confusion even worse. I stood up from my office table, kept my things and shoved it into my bookshelf to see Ethan dressed up in a polo shirt, sitting on the couch, wearing a hat, and following the beat.

/ Play the song while reading this chapter for better experience. /

A Bruno Mars was played on the background, and I suddenly recognize it.

Love You Like A Love SongWhere stories live. Discover now