Chapter 3: The Breaking Points

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This chapter is written from Ethan's point of view.


"I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
And I keep hitting repeat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat"

It's 8pm. Oh boy, I have never been nervous like this before. It's the announcement that I had been waiting for. I mentioned everyone to begin my announcement once the clock strikes 8pm at my side. It was probably like 5pm in the Philippines, or 3pm in Bangladesh, but I don't care. It's time for them to know what's hidden between me and Cherryl, and they deserve to know about it. Unfortunately, Cherryl can't be there.

Ethan: Hi @everyone

Russiana: Hiiii?

Tres: Glad you're here Ethan because I'm impatient with the announcement.

Hans: What's with the announcement?

Shay: probably smth, idek

Ethan: Ok so are u all ready?

Jess: I just got home from work, but I'm ready

Abu Bakar: Same

Redwan: Better this be a good announcement or else I'll cry

Mehdi: I'm ready

Ethan: Ok so...

Reuel: What is it

Gastie: Ooh ok.

Ethan: So I know you might wonder why I became so dormant in this group, it's cuz I found someone rn, and she is very kind.

Jess: Who?!

Shay: bruh

Gastie: Who is it?

Mehdi: Probably some random girl

Jae: or shemales

Ethan: *sends a dragon picture to Jae*
Ethan: Seriously I have a girlfriend now. I've been with her for 2 years.

Tres: Who?

Redwan: I'm guessing it's one of the members here

Jae: Shemales!!

Shay: wheres cherryl btw?

Ethan: How do I announce this without surprising anyone

Jess: Come on, announce it

Mehdi: I can't wait to see who

My hands are shaking like I'm in an attack. If people react differently about Cherryl and I then this could be a massacre for me and her. Either way, whatever the weather, I will just announce it.

Ethan: Actually I liked someone here and she has been very kind to me.

Tres: who is she then

Russiana: Hmm.


Abu Bakar: I can't wait

Jess: Well who is she?

Mehdi: I think we all know her based on how you treat her

Jae: I said it's a shemale

Reuel: Let our master speak for himself

Gastie: True

Ethan: Cherryl and I are together for over two years now.

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