68. Recovery Time

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I sat up with a start, and my first impulse was to run to the bathroom. I didn't know where I was, but that wasn't the first thing on my mind as my stomach lurched. For the first couple of minutes, my mind was entirely occupied by the demands of my body. Finally, I could lift my face away from the toilet and try to take stock of where I was.

The bathroom was decorated in gleaming blue and white tiles, and the silver edges of the shelves and other fittings were polished so highly that I could see a dozen reflections showing tiny strips of my face. I noticed that the tiles were warm under my bare feet, as well. This had to be Serena's place, but the memories of how I had gotten here were all jumbled and confused in my mind.

I looked down at myself, in case that would give me another clue. I was wearing pyjamas I didn't recognise; thin cotton with a large wet patch. The bed had probably been soaked as well. I wasn't wearing a diaper for some reason, and that would probably have been the first thing I noticed on waking if I hadn't been distracted by the knowledge that I was about to vomit.

Finally, I tried to draw together my memories of last night. And then I realised that it hadn't even been last night. I could blame Anti-Lorna for this, although I knew that I would still need to take the punishment if I wanted to get those impulses out of my brain. I'd taken a load of Skim without even realising, and then I'd been so desperate to be touched that nothing else seemed to matter. The guys had been all over me once I started stripping off; of course they had. Then Serena had woken up and made them stop, and in the moment I had hated her for it.

Had I had sex? I didn't remember. I know I'd wanted it so badly. And there had been moments that felt incredible, but just left me wanting more. I know I'd needed it so badly, there was no way I could have said no. So... it probably happened, with at least one of them. The facts didn't care how I felt about it now, and I couldn't even remember clearly. My memories were all isolated words, or sensations. Serena had brought me back here, and I hadn't stopped masturbating for the whole drive. I hadn't even been able to understand why I should stop; it seemed like an alien concept. And then the doctor had taken some blood, and given me a shot while I kept on trying to rip his clothes off. That was something I wouldn't forget in a hurry, but I planned to try.

Yes, this was Serena's house. It had to be one of the areas we'd missed out on the previous tour; or a spare room upstairs that I'd barely paid any attention to. After the doctor had gone, I remembered very little. There was sex in there somewhere, I thought. I hoped it had only been my own hands pleasuring me, but I couldn't be sure. I remembered being touched; a surprisingly gentle caress that had made me feel on top of the world. And I knew I should have been satisfied; I'd been completely overwhelmed, unable to see, hear, or think as my brain devoted itself entirely to where I was being touched. And there had been so many climaxes that I wouldn't have been able to keep count even if my thoughts had been clear enough. Until eventually I had passed out from exhaustion. That was why I hadn't been able to get ready for bed like normal.

"Are you feeling better?"

It was Serena's voice, coming from the space just outside the door.

"I... uhh..." I glanced back into the bedroom; soaked and stained sheets spread on the floor. And I looked down at myself, knowing I must look as bad as I felt.

"I'll get somebody to tidy up in there," she said. "Practical things first. Easiest way to deal with things, right? You'll need a change of clothes as well, I think. Want to use the proper bathroom?"

"Thank you," I mumbled. "Look, I'm sorry about–"

"It's not your fault," she said, cutting me off. "You didn't know how much that stuff would affect you. I've seen that guy offering it around at parties before, and I should have made sure he knew not to bring it out there."

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