54. More Humiliation

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This bonus chapter is dedicated to Ross, with many thanks for all your support on Patreon. Thank you!

I inhaled slowly, and tried to stay calm as Mrs Miller summoned me. She told me, again, that I was going to get a spanking just as hard as Marcie's; and with my friend in tears already, I had no doubts that she was completely serious. But before she started, she wanted to go over again what I was being punished for. She reiterated that my parents had authorised her to punish me if I didn't take proper precautions to guard against wetting the bed. She clearly wanted to embarrass me just as much as she wanted to hurt me, so she made sure to mention almost every sentence that I had wet myself like a baby, and that I was supposed to wear diapers for bed.

The others found it hard to listen to, I could tell that. They didn't want to keep on watching, but they felt like they didn't have a choice. I just wished she would hurry up; she hadn't let me use the bathroom after breakfast, and Marcie's punishment had lasted a little over half an hour in total. I was already squirming a little. But I gave her my best poker face, and fought against the temptation to do something to make the punishment worth it. I couldn't stop the images of acts of violence flashing across my mind. Things that would never have even crossed my mind before the drug messed up my thoughts, but now the best I could do was avoid acting on them. And I wanted to. She had hurt my friend, she had her daughters living in terror, and I knew that she could only hold me down if I acknowledged her power. But... she hadn't broken the law. Every time she had insulted and degraded Marcie, she had been sure to state that this was a punishment for lying. And I was sure that when she finally got around to spanking me, she would tell me over and over that this was what I deserved for pissing on her furniture. Something my parents had given her permission to punish me for, and she almost certainly had a recording of me agreeing to that. It was a legal punishment, even if I might think it was unfair to make it so harsh, and if I fought back that would just be assault. Marcie would be the one who suffered most in that case. I needed to stay calm and reasonable, and hope that Mrs Miller said something to show that she'd used the subliminal trainer on the TV to put us to sleep before the bedtime that she had agreed to. If she said anything we could use as evidence for that, it would prove that she was punishing me for something she had forced me into. That wasn't discipline to teach kids to do the right thing, because she knew I wouldn't have made that mistake without her lies. That was the big difference. If we had that on record, it was a guard against any possible legal trouble when Marcie decided to move away.

I took a deep breath, and gave her my best poker face. The diatribe continued for several minutes more, but she hadn't said anything useful yet. She just told me again that I'm too much of a baby to be hanging around with kids my own age, and that if I'm not mature enough to put diapers on myself, I should have somebody else to diaper me.

"Immature?" Serena spoke up. She clearly couldn't take it anymore. "You knew her plans. You knew what time we were planning to go to bed, and that she was planning to stop drinking an hour before, and when she was planning to get changed. You knew that everything was planned out to guard against something like this. Lorna's shown you how mature she is. She made a plan and stuck to it, she did everything right. It was you who decided to put sleep subliminals on the TV. So we've spent the morning of Elspeth's birthday party cleaning up the results of your poor planning. You're the one to blame here, and you're the only one too childish to take responsibility for your actions."

"How dare you speak to me like that. I am trying to set a good example for my daughter, one that includes honesty and respect for your elders. It's well known that children of your age don't get enough sleep, and you can't criticise me for trying to encourage good health. It was entirely Lorna's responsibility to make sure she had her diapers on in case she fell asleep. She was too childish to take any kind of precaution. And whatever you think about it, I have permission from Mr Peen to discipline his daughter if she can't stop herself from peeing on the carpet. So sit down and shut up. That's twenty extra strokes for resisting discipline. How do you feel about that, Lorna? Say thank you to your friend, because this is going to hurt you more than it hurts me."

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