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Knowing your direction or purpose that makes life worth living.


"Yes Denki, I'm on my way, just hang on," Shinsou said with a chuckle, turning his body a bit to pass by a group of teenagers so he didn't bump into them. "Well tell Bakugou I said he can wait."

"Kitten, you want me to tell the most impatient and angry man in existence to hold up and sit his ass down?! No, my bro threatened to break my cute mugs, Toshi, do you want to see me crying for weeks? Because that's what's gonna happen!"

"No, I don't want him to break your cute mug collection, so tell him I said that if he did that it'd be the most childish thing I've ever seen," Shinsou said, and he couldn't stop himself from smiling because he could easily picture the adorable pout on his husband's lips. "I don't want you to cry for weeks, that'd make me sad too. At least not like-" he cut off with a groan when he accidentally walked into a person, a human wall, it felt like, and nearly dropped his phone in the process. "Shit, I'm sorry about...that," he trailed off and took in a sharp breath.

Distantly familiar golden eyes, wide with disbelief, yet as warm as he remembered them, stared back at him with the same surprise he felt. "Hitoshi," Hawks whispered, letting his eyes trail up and down Shinsou's body. He did the same, taking in the sight of the older man from his past. Hawks hadn't changed that much, aside from a few wrinkles on his forehead and the crinkles in the corners of his eyes when he smiled softly. He still had the same stubble, still built the same, still wore his hair slicked back, and still had that warm expression that the students were so drawn to back then. "It's so good to see you."

"Toshi? Kitten? Did something happen, are you okay? Oh my God, do I need to call the police?! Bakubro, I think someone stole my hubby- Hitoshi!"

Kaminari's panicked yelling snapped him out of his daze, and he blinked several times, breaking eye contact with the older man and turned his body away, glancing at his surroundings. He honestly didn't know what to do, really. "I'm okay, sorry," Shinsou said into the phone, peering at Hawks from the corner of his eyes. "I ran into a...friend."

He pretended not to notice the odd look on Hawks' face and looked to the ground, feeling more lost than he had since he decided to propose to Kaminari. He ran his thumb over his wedding band on his left hand, encased by the warmth of his jacket's pocket, and took a deep breath to hopefully calm his heart and lighten some of the stress that suddenly started to swell in his chest like a balloon.

"Which friend?" Kaminari asked carefully, likely noticing the sudden change in Shinsou's tone.

"It's Keigo," Shinsou said and couldn't help but to smile softly at the surprise on the man's face. "I...think I should talk to him."

"Bring him here," Kaminari said, and he sounded somewhat happy, yet still careful. "That way I can keep an eye on you and make sure he doesn't try to steal my hubby from right under my nose," he teased and Shinsou chuckled.

"Okay, I'll be right there. I love you," he said, and the tips of his ears still flushed whenever his husband said it back. He hung up somewhat reluctantly and tucked his phone safely into his pocket. "Sorry about that. I didn't expect to see you...ever, really," Shinsou said as he faced the man again.

"Ah, I understand, it's been a really long time," Hawks said, his eyes searching Shinsou's. "You said we could talk? I think we have some catching up to do."

"Yeah. Yes, uhm, follow me, I know the owner of a café nearby that we can chat in," Shinsou said, purposefully not mentioning that he was the co-owner of said café, and turned to lead Hawks down the sidewalk, but his wrist was grabbed in an almost unbearably familiar grib, and he was stopped and pulled into the man's embrace.

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