
16 0 5

 Foilsick/Foy-el-sick * adjective

Feeling ashamed after revealing a little too much of yourself to someone - allowing them to see your pettiness, your anger, your cowardice, your childlike vulnerability - wishing that you didn't have a deep disdain for who you think you actually are.


Drunk sex, lots of talk about suicide and an attempt


There was a persistent knocking on the front door, Shinsou just barely registered it, slowly rising back into consciousness, enough to feel Kaminari get up off his bed and walk to the door. His body ached, the skin underneath his eyes felt tender, but most of all, his back felt cold where Kaminari had been hugging him all this time. The whole night, probably, and he wondered if the blond had even slept at all. His neck started to feel warm as he flushed in embarrassment. He swore he was being too dramatic the day before and he needed to find a way to make it up to Kaminari.

"Oh, hi? Can I help you?" Kaminari asked, sounding quite surprised.

"Who are you?" A familiar, gruff voice asked. Shinsou's heart skipped a beat and he slowly sat up in bed, worried that if he moved too fast he'd wake up from this dream.

"Kaminari Denki, uhm, who-?"

"Are you a friend of Hitoshi's?"

"Yeah! Sorry, Toshi wasn't feeling too hot yesterday so I stayed here to...take care of him. Can I ask who you are? He doesn't really talk about the people in his life," Kaminari explained and laughed nervously.

A brief moment of silence before a long sigh broke it. "Aizawa Shouta, I'm his father."

"Oh my God, I'm sorry, uhm, make yourself comfortable? I don't really know what to do in this situation, I mean it's not everyday you stay over at your bestie, maybe boyfriend's place and the dad shows up and Toshi's not here to take over and-"

"Just slow down," Aizawa cut off Kaminari's nervous rambling. "Where is he?"

"He's sleeping, he had a rough night," Kaminari said, and wasn't that an understatement?

"Sleeping in like this isn't good for his schedule," Aizawa grumbled.

Shinsou listened to the sound of shuffling, rustling of fabric, and then Kaminari's bare feet on the floor. "I'm sorry, Mister Aizawa sir, but I really need you to not wake him up! Please?"

"Kid, tell me what the hell is going on. Is he sick? I can take it from here, so just move-"

"Sir, please, it's not that, he's going through a really hard time right now-"

"Hard how?" Aizawa asked, the irritation clear in his voice, and that was the clearest sign that his father was at a point where he would snap in just mere moments if answers weren't given to him soon.

There was silence, and Shinsou tried to force himself to just get out of bed and help Kaminari, and of course greet his father because he fucking missed the man. All this time, it felt like if he could simply turn into one of his parents' arms then things would get better. That's how life worked, isn't that right? Just a simple hug from your parents and everything would just be magically fixed? Of course not, but he hoped.

"Someone," Kaminari started carefully, lowering his voice. "Someone really close to him passed away recently and he hasn't been...he hasn't been coping very well." Bless Kaminari for trying so hard to help while not revealing too much.

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