Chapter 16

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It's been a while since I posted a chapter... But now I'm finally back in the ranks and I'm going to finish this fanfic in the near future :)

The Deucalion was noisy. It seemed that all the hotel guests decided to leave their rooms at the same time. It felt like the end of the world had come. Honestly, you wouldn't be far from the truth.

Ezra winced at the sudden rush of sounds. He tried not to linger here and immediately hurried to the stairs, leading Elodie.

"I think you can let me go now" - Elodie said, wincing.

Ezra stopped and looked down at his hand, still clutching Elodie's wrist. He didn't notice that he was still holding her. Ezra quickly withdrew his hand and apologized. Elodie just shook her head, smiling a little.

"You don't have to apologize for that".

Elodie overtook him and went ahead.

There were people in Jupiter's office, too, but Ezra already knew these faces.

"What kind of creatures are these, can someone explain?" - Cadence's voice trembled slightly. Which was out of character for her.

"I think it's already clear that this is the Maud's work" - Morrigan looked questioningly in the direction of the two Wundersmiths.

"Isn't it obvious?" - Elodie said gloomily and shrugged, remembering the terrible picture presented to them.

"How did she even manage to do something so terrifying and... disgusting?" - Hawthorne made a face, sticking out his tongue. - "What is it made of anyway?"

"Shadows, bones and God knows what else" - Ezra went to the window. - "Besides, they are not alone" - he pointed somewhere in the distance.

In the distance, the soldiers of Wintersea Republic were visible. They could be unmistakably identified by the black and gray military uniform, on which the symbol of the Republic was emblazoned on the left side, where the heart was.

"Only this was not enough. Judging by the fact that they freely entered the territory of Nevermoor, there is no resistance on our part. Maud calculated everything down to the smallest detail. I'm afraid no one will stop her now" - Jupiter said in a tense voice. It was the truth, even if it was bitter. - "I have to go to Parliament and find out everything" - he hurried to the exit.

"Jupiter, wait! It's dangerous to go there alone. Surely they've already got there" - Morrigan protested, grabbing his arm.

"We don't know for sure, Mog. If they haven't gotten there yet, we have a chance to find out something".

"Their minds are clouded".

"Not completely, which means there is a chance to reach them. We need to defend ourselves".

"Perhaps this is the rare case when I agree with the Captain" - Ezra agreed in a tone as if he didn't want to admit it, but he had to. - "We can't let them take over Nevermoor. I think this is clear to everyone gathered here".

"Indeed, Jupiter should go to Parliament. At least to try. I think he won't take any unnecessary risks" - Elodie nodded to the man. - "Let the rest will help people if necessary. Ezra and I will find Maud".

"You're not going anywhere!" - Ezra said sharply, glaring at Elodie.

"I'll go with you!" - Morrigan said at the same time, clenching her fists.

Elodie closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm down and gather her strength.

"Ezra, I'll go and it's not up for discussion" - she didn't even give Ezra time to answer and turned to Morrigan. - "And you'd better stay here, in safe. I understand that you don't like standing on the sidelines - I know, I'm like that myself - but this is not a game anymore, it's a real war, and children have no place in it".

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