Chapter 3

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"WHAT?!" - Morrigan and Jack stared at Jupiter with wide eyes. It seemed that their eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.

"Tell me it's a joke! Hahaha, we all laughed and that's enough" - Jack said hopefully in his voice. This time, Morrigan agreed with him completely.

"It's not funny. Say something!" - she pleaded.

Jupiter's expression spoke for itself. He was as gloomy as a thundercloud. Morrigan assumed that he had already said a couple of affectionate words to the Elders.

"I wish it was a joke, but unfortunately it's not" - Jupiter sighed. - "The Elders said that since it was our idea to arrange negotiations with Squall, then we will have to be responsible for all this. So they decided that Squall would be staying at the hotel under our supervision" - Jupiter said something else that Morrigan did not hear. Maybe for the best.

"It'll be very interesting" - she drawled.

"Yeah" - Jack propped his cheek on his hand. - "It'll be our end" - he stated.


Morrigan lay on the bed in her room and stared at the ceiling, deep in thought.


The girl shuddered and looked at the Cadence with wide-open eyes.

"What are you shouting for?" - Morrigan was indignant.

"Pfft, seriously? It's probably the fourth time I've called you. What are you thinking about?" - she looked at her friend searchingly.

"Yeah" - Hawthorne agreed, putting another cake into his mouth, which Martha had baked especially for them. - "Tell us, what's going on in your head this time? Keep in mind, we'll find out anyway, so don't deny it" - he shook his finger in all seriousness.

Morrigan sighed and sat cross-legged. She had already told them that Squall would be staying at the hotel and had expressed her concerns about it, but right now it wasn't what bothered her the most.

"Well, it's about Squall and President Wintersea" - she began. - "The more I think about it, the more questions I have about why Squall hasn't stopped her yet or... killed her. It's all strange" - she shrugged.

"You know," - Cadence and Hawthorne exchanged glances, - "we've been thinking about that, too. After all, Ezra Squall is a Wundersmith, and we can't imagine how anyone can resist him at all or scare him so much, according to your story about the night when he helped you destroy Hollowpox. The Wundersmiths have always been the most powerful people in the world. No one could compare with them, much less surpass them".

"But the President seems to have succeeded" - Hawthorne added.

"Yes, Mr. Obvious, she succeeded" - Cadence rolled her eyes.

"But HOW?!" - Morrigan howled with indignation.

"Maybe you should ask Squall" - Hawthorne began cautiously. - "After all, it's best to learn about it from him. I doubt that anyone but himself will tell us about all the nuances".

"I've already thought about it, but... do you really think he'll tell us everything right away?" - Morrigan raised an eyebrow questioningly. - "During all this time, he didn't even mention Maud until I found out about everything myself. And it all happened completely by accident. Besides, when I ask him about something, he either evades the answer or gives a vague answer. Like, guess what I meant, and I'll watch it from the side" - she said sarcastically. - "Infuriating".

"So we'll have to find out for ourselves, as always" - Hawthorne said matter-of-factly. Sometimes his spontaneity amazed them.

"Yeah, just need to figure out where to start" - Morrigan propped her head on her hands.

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