Chapter 9

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"What's the catch?" - Morrigan squinted suspiciously at the envelope lying on Jupiter's desk. - "Why did the Wintersea Republic suddenly decide to organize a meeting with the government of the Free State? Does she really think they're naive enough to agree to this meeting? It could probably be a trap and..."

"Morrigan, I'm afraid they have no choice but to agree to a meeting" - Jupiter rubbed his eyes and leaned back in his chair. - "Residents of the Free State do not even realize that the Republic is threatening war. They are in complete ignorance. Steed and no one else needs this war, they don't even know what Maud is like. After all, they only received a letter from her about the so-called "cure" from Hollowpox and once met via Gossamer, but nothing more.  Therefore, I am more than confident that Steed will agree, because he believes that war can be avoided by sitting down at the negotiating table. It's fantastic how he abruptly changed his policy regarding the negotiations with the Republic" - Jupiter said sarcastically.

"Pfft, didn't you tell him about what we found?" - Morrigan frowned.

"I told him" - Jupiter drawled and winced. - "But not to say that they really listened to me. After all, this is not direct evidence that Maud is up to something. The children of the Wundersmiths were both before and after her, possessing unusual abilities, but none of them threatened the Free State. In addition, most of the information about Maud, in fact, was obtained from Squall, which clearly does not neglect lies".

"He's a Wundersmith who can't handle a person who, of course, is not like everyone else, but weaker than him. At least at first glance. It's weird, don't you think? I'm sure if he wanted to and could, he would have finished her off long ago, but he didn't. We've already discussed this hundreds of times. I've already gotten used to the fact that this time he's telling the truth. And you should do the same. Believe me, it will be easier for everyone" - Morrigan stubbornly crossed her arms over her chest and also leaned back in her chair.

Jupiter sighed heavily and passed his hand over his forehead.

"Even if we accept this, it will be difficult for Steed and others to prove it. For so many years they believed that all the Wundersmiths are evil, that Squall is the embodiment of evil. They're afraid of you, to tell the truth" - Jupiter shook his head. - "I am generally silent about Squall. They are terrified of him, despite the fact that they try not to show it with their whole appearance, but I can see it... They do nothing out of fear of both the Wundersmith itself and the reaction of the population if they found out that the century-old enemy of Nevermoor had returned. Therefore, this information remains confidential at the moment".

"What do they want from us?" - Morrigan frowned. - "They obviously sent us this letter for a reason".

"Well, yes, for a reason" - Jupiter clasped his hands. - "They want, or rather Maud wants, and they are not against it, that I, Squall and... you go to the meeting in the Republic together with Steed and some other politicians".

Morrigan took a deep breath. She assumed that if she looked in the mirror now, she would see two large rounded eyes on a pale face that simply could not expand to such a size. But not this time.

"What?! Why?!" - she jumped up from her seat. - "I can't go to the Republic. You know. They might recognize me there. It will be a disaster" - Morrigan began to chatter, pacing around the office and already starting to really panic.

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