Chapter 6

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A week has passed since that conversation. By the way Squall behaved, it seemed that it did not exist at all. During all this time, he never said a word about Maud, his past, or the rest of the Wundersmiths. Although he still sometimes mentioned them in class, but nothing more. Morrigan wondered if he had told Jupiter and the Elders about it. The answer was probably no, judging by their rather ordinary behavior. Well, as far as it was possible, considering everything that was happening.

Morrigan was sitting on a deckchair, thinking about telling Jupiter about everything herself, and he should decide the matter with the Elders himself.

"I'll have to go to him" - Morrigan said thoughtfully.

"Go to whom?"

Morrigan jumped in surprise and stared absently at the person standing in front of her. It was Anah.

Today Squall gave Morrigan a day off. Although he wanted to teach her everything necessary as soon as possible, but it would be extremely wrong of him to overdo it. Therefore, today Morrigan decided to invite her entire Unit to Deucalion to go on water slides. After all, summer was in full swing.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. You just looked so detached" - Anah's face showed concern. Morrigan was amazed at how Anah's attitude towards her had changed. She was no longer afraid of the Wundersmith, now she saw in Morrigan just a person, a girl like her, who, like everyone else, deserved friendship and love.

"I'm fine, don't worry" - Morrigan smiled. - "It's just that I need to go to Jupiter a little later. I need to... uh... discuss something with him" - she faltered slightly. She didn't know if it was worth letting them in on all this. She didn't want to get them into any more trouble.

"Some secrets again, huh?" - Thaddea came up to them and crossed her arms over her chest, staring intently at Morrigan. - "It usually didn't end well, so come on, tell us what's on your mind. Should we be worried?"

The whole Unit gathered around Morrigan. Hawthorne's expression made it clear that he absolutely did not like the fact that he was interrupted from riding the water slide. The same could be said about Arch and Mahir.

"What's the gathering about?" - asked Hawthorne.

"Morrigan is hiding something from us again" - Thaddea nodded at the girl.

"Again?" - Cadence raised her right eyebrow.

Morrigan rolled her eyes.

"Nothing like that".

"Well, if that's the case, then tell us" - Thaddea grinned. - "We are all listening to you carefully".

All eight pairs of eyes looked searchingly at Morrigan. She sighed. "A little more and they will start torturing me" - thought Morrigan.

"Okay" - she moaned. - "It's about Squall. He told me something, and I don't know if I can share it with you, but I just can't keep silent anymore".

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