Chapter 8

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"The Kindling has been asking about you and other Wundersmiths. I had to evade the answer, but I don't think he ignored it. He looked so... lonely".

Morrigan's words, which she uttered at one of the classes, periodically flashed through Squall's head. He couldn't just get rid of them, no matter how hard he tried. This only darkened his already bad mood more every day.

Squall didn't remember exactly at what point his legs brought him to Sub-Nine. Now he was standing in the Liminal Hall, thoughtfully looking at the door hiding the Divinity behind it. Squall stretched out his hand, about to open it, but hesitated. He pursed his lips, hating and berating himself for being afraid of going in there. After all, he had been here more than once, he shouldn't have felt like this.

Squall shook his head, banishing all doubts, and quickly pressed his finger to the glowing circle, not letting himself change his mind. Once inside, Squall was in no hurry to approach the bonfire burning in the middle of the room. He looked around the room with a slightly hazy look. The room seemed frozen in time. The memories came back with a new force, it was almost impossible to get rid of them. Squall clenched his fists, forcing himself not to be distracted and to control himself.

A few moments later, Squall noticed the Kindling out of the corner of his eye, who was watching him intently.

Squall shuddered. He slowly stretched out his finger, on which there was a mark in the form of a flame, offering it to the Divinity and trying not to meet his gaze.

"Ezra Squall" - pronounced the Kindling, accepting the Squall's offering.

That said it all.

Squall furrowed his brows and forced himself to look directly at the Divinity. He couldn't say for sure if any of the Divinities knew about what had happened in these hundred years. Admittedly, he didn't want them to know. None of them.

Shame. Squall caught himself thinking that this is exactly what he is experiencing right now.

The Kindling no longer uttered a single word. His ember eyes seemed to see right through Squall. Squall suggested that if the Kindling guessed something, he didn't show it in any way.

"It's been a long time, the Kindling" - Squall tried to say in a calm voice, behind which there was a poorly hidden tension.

The Kindling did not immediately respond. He watched a Wundersmith for a while longer.

"It's really been a long time. Where are the others?"

This question...

Squall clenched his jaw. Well, he was expecting it. But he was also in no hurry to answer, trying to find the right words.

"Not here. I mean not in Nevermoor. They're far away from here" - it wasn't a lie.

"Are you not in touch?"

Squall smiled bitterly.

"Maybe only with Elodie, but... it's quite problematic. As for the others... I'm afraid that's not possible. Where they are..." - Squall swallowed hard.

The Kindling nodded slowly, closing his eyes.

"Without a doubt, it is impossible to contact the dead, no matter how much we would like to. And if someone succeeded, it usually didn't end well" - the Divinity said softly.

Squall shuddered. His face twisted from the directness of the Kindling's words.

"Yes, perhaps" - he looked away again. - "Everyone died except Elodie".

"What happened, Ezra?" - the Kindling sadly shook his head.

"I guess you already know that very well yourself".

"I'd like to hear it from you" - he tilted his head slightly to one side, waiting for Ezra to speak.

«Well... It's a long story" - for a moment, the corner of Squall's mouth shot up, but his face immediately acquired a frown.

"We have enough time".

"The Wintersea Republic" - thoughtfully pronounced the Kindling.

"Don't worry, we'll figure it out" - Squall said firmly. He will no longer allow it to cause even more harm.

"You've found yourself an apprentice".

Squall smiled, feeling relieved that it was possible to change the subject.

"Yes. Morrigan Crow. You have already met".

"I didn't expect this from a man who literally swore never to teach anyone in his life".

Squall laughed.

"You never know how things might turn out" - he shrugged.

"There had to be a good reason, didn't there?" - the Kindling peered intently into Squall's face.

"It was Elodie's request. How could I refuse? Besides, Miss Crow turned out to be a really capable student. I'm sure Elodie chose her for a reason" - Squall clasped his hands behind his back. - "I must admit, Miss Crow has pretty much ruffled my nerves. I've never met a more stubborn person. I'll remind Elodie of that" - Squall said in a joking manner. He was surprised at how easily he managed it. He thought he had forgotten how to joke a long time ago.

Squall looked at his wristwatch, surprised to note that it had been two hours since he came here. Time flew by unnoticed.

"I have to go now. No one canceled Miss Crow's class" - he turned to the Kindling and nodded goodbye. - "I'll see you again".

Squall wanted to turn around, but the Kindling spoke again.

"She won't be the same anymore" - he said softly.

Squall didn't have to guess who he was talking about. He didn't turn around.

"I know" - Ezra said, also quietly, almost in a whisper.

He really knew that.

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