❄️Chapter 4❄️

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Grusha is guiding me through Montanata, sometimes his Pokèmon comes out and hops around me. Grusha mentioned that Altaria just does things like that, when she adores someone. Whatever that means, I think it should be a good sign.
Altaria and Grusha seem to know each other for a quite long time.
„How long do you know Altaria?"
„Oh, for a very long time. She's been my partner ever since.", he answered me.

Grusha's POV
Y/N got extremely quiet, did something happen to her? I really worry about her, it's like she doesn't even know what feelings are anymore. She was an empathetic girl, now she is completely different. Normally she also always showed her love to Pokèmon, I think she still really likes them, Y/N probably just doesn't know she does.
„Y/N, do you own a Pokèmon?", I don't remember her having one, maybe she does now? She denied.
This thought is quite odd but... maybe I should gift her a Pokèmon...?
Oh, I forgot explaining.
„Here you can snowboard. Up there, there are possibilities to buy everything you need to snowboard, I don't recommend it, though... And be careful, it's icy today."

Just the moment after I said that, Y/N almost slipped. I reacted quickly and caught her.
I... caught her.
My heart is probably beating faster than hers right now. I shouldn't be too excited about it...
She was still in my arms. Y/N apologized and thanked me for catching her. She is a sweet girl. When Y/N asked me if I could let her go I suddenly felt embarrassed. I'm just overthinking I suppose...

„Do you know what time it is right now? I need to be home at 06:00 p.m...", I shouldn't be too late at home, I forgot about the time...
When Grusha said that I have 30 minutes left, I decided to go to Grandmother now anyways. Grusha asked me if he could join me. Well, why not.
It's too icy...
„Is it always that icy? Why isn't there anything someone can hold onto? Everyone will fall down!", Grusha just chuckled a bit and explained that there aren't many people falling down there. Since there isn't anything other I could hold onto I just grabbed Grusha's arm, so he won't need to catch me again. It doesn't look like he noticed it either way.

Grusha's POV
Y/N... grabbed my arm. I don't know why. Should I ask her...?
„Y/N...?", she looked at me and waited for me to continue. I decided to say, „it's nothing."
When we passed the icy part she let go off me. Oh I understand... Y/N just didn't want to fall down again. Now it makes sense, why didn't I think of that? Why did I...?

However, hopefully Y/N memorised the way to her home, back in the days she lived in Frigomonta.
If she still does?
„Where do you live? Do you even know where you are going?"
„I live in Frigomonta. I don't remember the way, I guess you should guide again..."

So I did. At least Altaria is also really excited to meet Y/N again, I'm not the only one.
After about 20 minutes of walking in silence, we arrived at Y/N's house. It's still the same.
Her grandmother opened the door.
„Grusha! Ooh, you grew up so much!", she was clapping her hands in excitement and also invited me eating food with them.
„I... If it's fine for Y/N, I will happily accept the invitation.", I answered looking at Y/N, she nodded and her grandmother seemed to be very excited about it all.
„Such a polite, handsome, young man!"
Y/N's grandmother complimented me while serving food and also cooked... much.
Y/N didn't seem to question why her grandma knows me, she was just eating her food and looking around sometimes.

„Grandma, your food is really tasty. Thanks for it.", she wondered why I haven't eaten more, but I think she just cooked a bit too much. Nevermind, it tasted good.
We have finished eating and Grusha wanted to leave, but grandmother offered him to stay longer. Again he stared at me and said it was up to me.
„If you want to stay then stay, if not you're free to leave.", I replied. He decided to stay.
We went up into my room.
„I haven't seen this room in a long time, I almost didn't remember it."
„Well do you like it?"
„Do I... 'like' it... What... am I supposed to feel when I like something?", since he seems to be a smart person he can answer me this for sure.
„It's... difficult to explain. I'll try to answer your question, but may I ask why you even ask first?", hm, what should I answer? I just don't know what I do when I like something.

„Well, you keep mentioning words like 'happy' and I don't know what this is. I know these are feelings, don't get me wrong. Why don't I feel 'happy' like my grandma did when she saw me again?"

„Grusha.. Could you describe those feelings for me?"

Grusha x Reader ❄️✨Feelings like snow✨💫Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt