The Doctor Dances

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The patients got closer and closer, crowding the four time travelers against the wall. The Emissary sent an arc of Artron energy around them to ward off the patients, but she was reluctant to actually hit them, so it didn't do much. The patients were nearly close enough to touch when the Doctor suddenly stepped forward.

"Go to your room," the Doctor said firmly. The patients stopped. Somewhat surprised, the Doctor continued. "Go to your room. I mean it. I'm very, very angry with you. I am very, very cross. Go to your room!"

Heads hanging, the patients turned and shuffled back to their beds. Stunned, the Emissary lowered her hands.

"How did you know that would work?" she asked the Doctor. He grinned at her.

"I didn't," he said cheerfully. "Glad it did, though. Those would have been terrible last words."

She shook her head as they moved away from the door.

"Why are they all wearing gas masks?" Rose asked.

"They're not," Jack told her. "Those masks are flesh and bone."

"How exactly was this con of yours meant to work?" the Emissary asked him curiously.

"Simple enough, really," he shrugged. "Find some harmless piece of space junk, let the nearest Time Agent track it back to Earth, convince him it's valuable, name a price. When he's put fifty percent up front, oops! A German bomb falls on it, destroys it forever. He never gets to see what he's paid for, never knows he's been had. I buy him a drink with his own money, and we discuss dumb luck." He grinned. "The perfect self-cleaning con."

"Yeah," the Doctor scoffed. "Perfect."

"The London Blitz is great for self-cleaners," Jack retorted. "Pompeii's nice if you want to make a vacation of it though, but you've got to set your alarm for volcano day." All three residents of the TARDIS leveled unimpressed stares at Jack. He winced. "Getting a hint of disapproval."

"Take a look around the room," the Doctor told him. "This is what your harmless piece of space-junk did."

"It was a burnt-out medical transporter," Jack insisted. "It was empty."

"Rose," the Emissary said. The blonde walked over to her and she led Rose out of the ward. The Doctor and Jack followed.

"Are we getting out of here?" Rose asked.

"No, we're going upstairs," the Emissary said. "Room 802." Behind them, Jack was still trying to convince the Doctor he wasn't at fault.

"I even programmed the flight computer so it wouldn't land on anything living," he said. "I harmed no one. I don't know what's happening here, but believe me, I had nothing to do with it." The Doctor stopped and glared at him.

"I'll tell you what's happening," he spat. "You forgot to set your alarm clock. It's volcano day." He pushed past Jack, who was silent, and went to the front of the group.

In the empty hospital as they entered the stairwell, the all-clear siren was clear as a day.

"What's that?" Rose asked, looking around.

"The all clear," Jack told her.

The Doctor snorted. "I wish."
The two Time Lords disappeared up the stairs quickly, leaving Rose and Jack to try and follow.

"They always run off together like that?" he asked her. She tilted her head, considering, then nodded.

"Now that you mention it, yeah," she said. "Part of why I think they'd be good together."

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