World War Three

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The Doctor managed to pull his ID card off, much to the surprise of Green and the other Slitheen. He grinned. "Deadly to humans, maybe." He surged forward and pinned the card onto the collar of the Slitheen that had revealed itself. The Slitheen started screaming as the electricity washed over it, and through the link, over Green. The Doctor ran out into the hall, seeing dozens of armed officers. "Oi!" he called. "If you want aliens, you've got them. They're inside Downing Street. Come on!" He turned and ran back to the briefing room, the police following.
Margaret the alien stood up from the Emissary's attack and started forward. The Emissary, Rose, Harriet and Indra Ganesh backed up slowly, then stopped in shock. Out of nowhere, electricity had warped around Margaret, stopping the alien in its tracks.

The Emissary shook out of her shock first. "Come on, move!" she ordered the humans. They ran out of the cabinet room.
Mickey walked back to the Tyler flat after the police and soldiers had cleared out. Opening the door, he walked in to see Jackie cowering as a big green... thing stood over her. "Jackie!" He looked around, then picked up a chair and slammed it down across the back of the thing. That did nothing but make it angry and Mickey stepped back as it turned on him. Out of nowhere, it started screaming as electricity spread from its collar to cover the entire body. Mickey took the opportunity to grab Jackie and pull out of the kitchen. Safely in the doorway, Mickey paused to pull out his phone and get a picture before running out of the flat with Jackie.
Green reached forward and grasped the ID card, pulling it off the collar. Immediately, the electricity stopped. The Slitheen grabbed the General's skin suit, starting to pull it on. "Reinstate my disguise," he told Green, who was helping. "Hurry up! Hurry! Hurry!"
Harriet suddenly stopped running. "No, wait," she said, the others stopping to turn to her. "They're still in there. The emergency protocols. We need them." The Emissary and Rose started to run back with her. Ganesh shook his head.

"I'm getting out," he told them. "Good luck." He turned and kept running.

The Emissary and Rose followed Harriet back to the Cabinet Room to find that Margaret had recovered and was angry. They turned tail and ran back the way they came. The alien chased them throughout the floor, smashing through doors as it came.
The Doctor led the police into the briefing room to find that the Slitheen had put his skin suit back on.

"Where have you been?" Green asked the police in an accusatory tone. "I called for help. I sounded the alarm. There was this lightening, this kind of, er, electricity, and they all collapsed."
The policemen checked the bodies. Sergeant Price looked up in horror.

"I think they're all dead," he said to the others.

"That's what I'm saying," Green answered, then pointed at the Doctor. "He did it! That man there."

The Doctor looked around as the police all turned to him. "I think you will find the Prime Minister is an alien in disguise," he tried. He looked at the officer to his left as everyone just stared at him. "That's never going to work, is it?"


He shrugged "Fair enough." He shoved past the officers and took off running. In the hall, he was met with a squad of armed officers. He turned and saw the officers come out of the briefing room to box him in.

"Under the jurisdiction of the Emergency Protocols," the General told the officers, "I authorise you to execute this man."

"Well, now, yes, you see, er, the thing is," the Doctor stalled, a nervous grin firmly in place, "if I was you, if I was going to execute someone by backing them against the wall, between you and me, little word of advice." The was a ding and the lift doors opened behind him. He grinned for real. "Don't stand them against the lift!" He took a step backwards into the lift and pressed the button to go up a floor. When the doors opened, he was face to face with another Slitheen. "Hello!" he greeted cheerfully. Behind the Slitheen, he noticed the Emissary and Rose standing with another woman. He got the Slitheen's attention when it started to turn, allowing Rose, the Emissary and the other to get past behind it. When they were safely out of his sight again, he waved at the Slitheen and closed the lift doors.
With the Doctor distracting Margaret, Rose, the Emissary and Harriet were able to get past and into an ornate room.

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