Chapter 14: I do

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Lucian's suit above

Alexis Pov

Okay, I can do this. It's not that hard, just walk down the aisle, say a few words, slip a ring on his finger, kiss him and then BAM, you're married. I took a big breath then held on to Christopher's hand. I forgot how much Lucian looks like his father.

"Don't worry dear, if my son gives you any trouble then let me know and I'll whip him into shape." Alpha Christopher said. I only managed to give him a strained smile. Turning towards the door I hear the music start to play. I took a deep breath and started walking in. At the end of the aisle I saw Lucian. Even though I saw him earlier on I hadn't been paying attention to him.

He wore an emerald green suit which made him look very hot. It matched his skin tone perfectly and I honestly thought I was drooling from how hot he is. It should be illegal how hot he is right now. I could feel other people's eyes on me but the only eyes that mattered to to me were Lucian's. Zane and Zara were sitting in the front row with Lucian's mom, my brothers and their wives.

We finally reached the end of the aisle and Alpha Christopher gave my hand to Lucian before whispering something in his ear and kissing my cheek. Slowly I turned towards Lucian before looking at the priest. "You look gorgeous." I instantly felt myself blush. Why does he have to be so charming and good looking. At least if was a little ugly then my heart would be able to function properly."Thanks."

He smiled at me before turning back to the priest. The priest started droning on about love, companionship and the importance of marriage but I wasn't listening. I was to busy trying not to faint from how anxious I was. I couldn't understand how I got to this point in my life.  I was marrying the man who was made for.

I was feeling so many emotions at once. I felt nervous, scared, happy, and a little sad at the same time. I didn't know how to make sense of all these emotions and it was throwing me off kilter. Finally the priest got to the part of the vows. "Alexis, I know we've known each other for basically for all our lives, but through all that time I've never truly seen you, but now I want you to know the I see you know. I see the strong, independent, loving, confident and beautiful woman you are and have always been. I know that I truly don't deserve you because of everything that I've put you through but I want you to know that I'll make myself worthy of you.

I'll spend every day of my life devoted you're and our children's happiness. I'll be the husband you deserve and the father that our children deserve. I promise to love and cherish you all the days of our lives."

After Lucian said his vows I could feel the the unshed tears in my eyes but I refused to shed a tear. "It's now your turn dear." I gave a small nod towards the priest then turned towards Lucian. "Lucian, we've had our fair share of disputes. I'm pretty sure we've wanted to kill each other multiple times and honestly I'm surprised we haven't acted on our thoughts. But through all of this we have persevered and I know that with team work, trust, love and friendship we'll be able to have many happy years of marriage. I want to spend my life with you.

I want to wake up next to you every morning, I want to laugh and cry with you. I want to grow old with you and I want to die with you. I promise to love and cherish all the days of our lives."

After saying our vows we exchanged rings and the priest asked Lucian to kiss the bride. He stepped closer to me, palmed my cheek and brought our lips together. The kiss was soft, loving and sweet. I'd never been kissed like this before. Sparks exploded everywhere he touched me. All too soon the kiss ended. Everyone in the church erupted in cheers.

Lucian walked me down the aisle while everyone threw flowers at us. Before I got in the car I looked for Zane and Zara. I couldn't see them anywhere so I asked my new mother-in-law. "Luna, have you seen the kids anywhere?" She looked around before turning back to me. "Last I saw them was before the wedding. They had gone towards the changing rooms in the church."

Before I could reply to her we heard a high pitched scream. "YOU!"

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