Woe's twisted Truth

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"It's this way-" a shout came from around the corner. They had already found the sheriff.

Tyler looked up from me. He wrapped his arm around me and I watched only one leg and arm transform. He jumped to the side of the building and pulled us up. He jumped from building to building. And then he was full Hyde again. I was beginning to realize these pills were useless. He ran down the road faster then the cars. We diverted into the woods to lose everyone. Finally we came up to Nevermore in record time.

He transformed back, his clothes not too ripped. "Let's leave. You want to study monsters? Then let's go. I'll take you to any monster you want to find."

I pulled back, "Give me time. I refuse to be pressured into anything."

"We don't have time," he looked back, expecting something following us. "This is now or never. They aren't letting you come back to school. You'll be imprisoned."

I pointed up at him, "I said give me time!"

He flinched and collapsed. I jumped back. Against his neck was a siringe. He wasn't dead. I would have felt that. "Show yourself," I yelled out, expecting my current hidden enemy.

"Consider this an intervention, Wednesday," Enid spoke as she stepped into view. I felt a needle sink into my own neck and everything turned dark.

I awoke in a chair. The same setup as when I'd entered the Nightshade's library the first time. Except someone had read up on how to properly tie a knot. There was no bag over my face either.

"The nightshades are not just an elite social club anymore. We protect the peace of our school," Bianca stepped forward. She wore the mask and cloak. "You, Wednesday are causing waves."

I rolled my eyes. I couldn't believe this. "The only reason you aren't a social club anymore was my suggestion. And now you think you can tell me what to do?"

"We aren't telling you," Enid answered. "We are doing it for you."

Tied in far thicker metal chains across from me was Tyler. He did have a bag over his head. He moved in response to our voices, so he wasn't knocked out anymore.

"Your relationship with the Hyde is wrong," Xavier spoke up. He moved between us. "You've bonded and it's messing with your own mind."

The knot was tight. I tried moving my hands. "Don't let your personal feelings cloud your judgment," I fought back. I wanted out. I tugged against the rope. I'd kill them all for this.

"Wednesday, this isn't you," Enid rushed to my side and got down on her knees. "Wednesday Addams is a raven. She doesn't fly with a flock, but her sky isn't alone. You are disgusted by feelings and intimacy."

I looked down at her, "You don't get to define me. You don't know me."

"And Tyler does? He lied to you. He manipulated you. He lead you on. He readily handed you over to be sacrificed," Enid begged.

I knew all these facts. They seemed to yell at me from the back of my mind and yet why did they not matter? "Why does everyone think I'm over my head? I'm not helpless. I saved this school and all of your lives last semester and now I'm being tied up by a bunch of self-righteous fanatics?"

Thing moved from the shadows. He attacked those kids for you. He signed.

"Snitch," I whispered at him, making sure he felt the full force of my rage. Thing? How could he?

"This is ridiculous," Tyler finally spoke. "Take this thing off my head." Yoko obliged after Bianca nodded at her.

Tyler looked around. His eyes landed on me. "Why is she tied up?"

"Because you've done something to her," Xavier shoved his shoulder back into the chair. "Unbond yourself with her. She isn't your master."

Tyler's chest began to rise and fall rapidly. Kent moved. "If you shift into the Hyde, we will tranquilizer you." Divina held a blow dart in her hands.

"Let her go," Tyler said again.

Ajax threw his hands up, "Don't you remember when you had him tied up to torture? And then it was the other way around and you got stabbed?"

Xavier pointed to Tyler, "He worships you Wednesday. Isn't that what you hate in your parents. You've got a devoted slave. How does that make you feel?"

I tilted my head, "I pity him."

"Well we've done some reading," Enid sighed. She got off her knees and Yoko passed her a book. My book. Goody's book of shadows.

I frowned, "You stole that from me."

"Desperate times," she mumbled. Kent and Yoko reached into a backpack. Kent pulled out a very long black rope. Yoko had a bag of an unidentified powder.

As Kent laid the rope down on the ground in an infinity symbol around myself and Tyler, Xavier began to light candles and place them down. Yoko poured out the brown powder, connecting the candles in an even bigger circle.

Enid opened the book and propped it on a podium. Ajax reached for one more thing. The corsage. The one from the dance. Tyler looked up at me, "You kept it?"

"I had visions when touching it," was the only response I gave to him.

They were about to begin whatever spell they were attempting. I could have warned them that Goody's spells aren't simple and straightforward. There was something always hidden. But I was too angry. Maybe it would fry my mind and they'd all feel everlasting guilt that would torment them until the day they died.

Tyler strained against the metal. "I have to tell you something before this happens. Even if you find yourself apathetic to me after...this, I won't. It's not just a Hyde bond. Wednesday, I liked you a lot. You weren't afraid of being yourself. And myself, well if I wasn't who I was, then maybe I'd get to be happy." He paused. "I told you I didn't want to be the guy who takes it out on everyone for the shitty hand I was dealt, and I won't. Goodbye Wednesday."

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