Woe's prisoner

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Tyler turned around to stare at me. His soft green eyes stared right into me. His face was sunken, his skin pale. His lips were chewed up.

Laurel shoved me over, "Yes, I'm here. We are going to get you out and you can kill all of them for putting you in here! Look what they did to you!"

I turned my gaze away for a moment. There was a shelf right outside his cell. It was full of bottles of the exact same pill. I shoved a bunch into my pockets without Laurel noticing.

She went to use her key card on the lock. I grabbed her arm, "Wait! You aren't his master. What do you think is keeping him from killing you?"

"I'm right here," he spoke. "I'm not going to kill you." How reassuring. "Please, just tell me if my dad is okay."

I was once again surprised by his sincerity. Was everything he had done truly an act! Was he capable of emotions? "He had put himself into his work."

"That sounds like him," Tyler sighed. Laurel shoved me against the wall quite violently. I saw Tyler's slightest reaction. His first tightened and his eye twitched.

Laurel pressed her key against the lock, "Your father doesn't care about you. Only I see you as you are. Everyone else will turn against you. It's you and me against the world."

The glass door slid open. Tyler stood up and Laurel moved out of the doorway. He was free. "Restrain Wednesday," Laurel ordered.

"Don't touch her," Tyler spoke as he moved between us. He was glaring at Laurel. "You just want me to be your blood thirsty monster. Well guess what, my appetite for that is gone." No matter what kind of therapy Tyler was going through, that couldn't fix him that quickly. It had to be something else. The pills? I popped another bottle into my pocket.

Laurel looked over at me, "What are you doing? Stop it."

"You don't own Tyler. And you heard him, he's lost his appetite." I challenged her.

Laurel reached out and grabbed Tyler's arm. He threw her against the wall, for a moment his arm turned into its Hyde form. He turned to me, "I don't know if I want to kill her."

"Then let's leave," I said decidedly. It wasn't a good idea. Maybe I should be coaxing him back into the jail cell, but I couldn't. Tyler was a person too, not just a Hyde. A person who had been emotionally manipulated and abused. 

I grabbed his arm to pull him away from the unconscious Laurel. I felt it come a second before. My head snapped back and I was thrown into a vision.

A woman with curly brown hair in a messy bun appeared out of a smoke. I knew she was dead. We were in total darkness. "You've found him. Now you must promise to protect him."

"Who are you?" I asked.

She looked off into the abyss as if she could see something. "Take care of my son. You can prove them wrong. He's an outcast, not a monster." Then she faded away.

I was in the darkness alone, not pulled out of the vision. How could I leave? Wake up I shouted into my conscious.

When I did, I found myself on the floor. A furry beast stood next to me. But it wasn't a Hyde. It was Enid in werewolf mode. Thing was tugging on my sleeve. I sat up to see the scene. They had Tyler trapped in a circle. Bianca was siren singing him. "Go back into the cell."

Tyler looked helplessly at me. "Give her back," he growled.

Xavier balled his fist, "You aren't getting near her."

"Don't make me stone you," Ajax threatened.

I hurried up. "Stop." I slipped passed Enid. Kent and Divina moved over for me and I got in between them. Only Xavier didn't budge. I grabbed his shoulder and stared in his eyes, "Stand down."

"What are you doing?" Eugene asked. He was clutching his own arms, looking up at Tyler in fear. After all, Tyler had almost killed Eugene. He had enjoyed ripping into him even if it was just Laurel's bidding.

I didn't have an answer for anyone. Not even myself. I turned to Tyler. I grabbed the bat in Kent's hand and hit him across the head. Tyler passed out on the floor. "Put him in the cell." Enid said, back to human self.

"No, I'm not going to." I don't know why I felt protective of Tyler. But I wasn't leaving him here. I looked over to unconscious Laurel. That was one who should die. "Put her in the cell," I ordered them.

Enid reached for my arm and pulled me into a hug, "we found you."

"I see that," I said low. I let her hug me. "You've got excellent sleuthing skills. Shall we return home?" She pulled back and nodded.

Enid pointed to Tyler, "What about him?"

"I'm taking him with me," I answered.

Xavier scoffed. "He's a murderer."

"You'd be surprised how many people in my family fit that description," I responded before grabbing one of Tyler's arms and dragging him. No one seemed interested in helping me so I had to carry him out. Incredibly heavy.

A convertible with the deceased mayor's son driving waited in the rubble for us. The chaos was still ensuing. Everyone was being evacuated. We easily left with no stops.

The fit was unbearably tight. We were a mess of limbs. I had to hold Tyler, his head rested in my lap. "I feel very nauseous looking at him," Kent groaned.

"I don't," was all I could respond.

And it was the truth. And more so, Tyler and I were bonded. I had become his new master. I knew the moment he tightened his fist. I didn't know what the bond meant. Could I keep him from killing people? Did he care about me or only view me as a leader? And did I care about him or did the power between us twist my own thoughts?

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