Setting the Woe into Motion

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The tower bathroom was the least monitored in the school, making it the canvas for graffiti and an easy place to sneak away to. Principal Weems had started just leaving it locked but with the other schools here, we needed as much bathrooms as we could get.

The spiral stairs were completely shrouded in shadows. My fingertips rested against the stone as I walked up. I paused before the door. Was my stalker in there?

Then I opened it.

The bathroom lights were fully on. The giant mirror across me had words written in paint. "You are nothing." A photo hung from the ceiling. I went to take a step to get closer and something crunched under my feet. Littered across the floor were dead scorpions. At least twenty or so, pulled apart.

I faltered and my hand began to shake. I could watch the mayor get run over, see dead bodies in morgues, come across chewed ligaments, but this- Why was this stirring up a nausea in me.

Two steps got me to the photo. I snatched it down and moved quickly back. I stepped outside of the bathroom and closed the door.

The photo was of me, in bed. I had my hands crossed against my chest. But this wasn't my dorm room. It was my home. My childhood bedroom. I turned the note over. "I just couldn't leave you over break," It read.

I slid it into my pocket, angrier than ever.

"Wednesday, what are you doing up here?" It was Enid.

I scrunched my eyebrows, "What are you doing here?"

"Xavier was concerned. He said you were acting weird," she answered. She pulled against her sweater and scrunched her lips, "so-"

I stepped back, "How would you know I was here?"

She threw her hands up, "Bestie intuition."

"Enid, what hand cream does Thing use?" I asked as a test.

For a moment, I thought she was going to answer easily and show that I was a paranoid freak. But her jovial smile faded. "Fine, Wednesday. But you don't win." And then she ran. I had to follow the imposter.

I turned the corner to follow her, but she was gone. A fake Enid? I ran back to Ophelia Hall. It was full of laughter and giggling. I opened the door to find the girls putting their heart in curlers. Enid was in the center.

"Enid, I need to speak to you," I spoke urgently. She climbed out of the pile. She had a green matcha face mask on.

She smiled, "Care to join in? We are going to make a care package for Bianca!"

"What is your favorite nail polish?" I quizzed her.

Enid looked at me weird, "Silver moon. Why?" This was definitely real Enid. I contemplated telling her the truth. But she would just cause more chaos.

I'm sleeping here tonight," I said instead. "With my most effective ear plugs." I scanned the room and found Thing up on the bed. He was wrapped in fabrics.

We visited Bianca in the infirmary in the morning. I was curious to see the damage done by that elusive ball. She was sitting up in bed, her own roommates around her.

Ajax sat crisscrossed on the ground, "Are you sure you can do the obstacle race today?" 

She crossed her arms, "I can do anything."

"But you shouldn't," Divina interjected, sitting at the bottom of the bed.

Yoko pointed to Xavier in the corner of the room, "He can do it with me today. We aren't going to lose."

I stopped closer, squinting at the bright lights, "Then you must be prepared for sabotage."

Enid wrung her hands, "How can we be prepared for a mystery that might happen?"

"Having friends on your side!" Eugene answered as he entered through the door. He had a big backpack on. "No need to thank me." He slid the back back to his chest and opened the zipper. It was full of jars.

Bees. He passed a jar to each of us, "Break it when you need it. They will be sure to help." I slid my jar into my jacket pocket and zipped it up so they wouldn't slid out.

Xavier took his jar and inspected it. He slid it into his pocket too. Bianca looked at everyone. "We are going to win. These schools are not better then us. But you are also going to find out who is messing with the games so I can rip them up myself."

I blew air out from between my teeth, "I thought you were above torture."

"That was before I realized Wednesday Addams knows monsters," she winked.

Xavier shrugged his shoulders, "She thought it was me first."

"Just be thankful I don't torture you too." I replied before turning on my heels and leaving.

I was doing an event today too. After the obstacle race and the Dodgeball, I would be hunting a monster with Enid. She had developed an impeccable sense of smell as she masters her werewolf side.

I found myself heading to Principal Weems. There was information I needed from her. On multiple fronts.

"Principal Weems, how do they keep you here?" I asked as I entered in. My aunt was in the room too. She had a box of something she tried to hide behind her figure. I stopped, "What is that?"

She looked over at Weems behind the desk, "I don't think you'd enjoy very much, Wednesday."

I ignored my aunt's warning and opened the box. The dead scorpions. I stepped back, "So this was your doing?"

"Absolutely not," she gasped. "I just picked these off a bathroom floor and brought them to the principal immediately!"

I looked her up and down, "Then you saw the whole threat towards me."

She put the box down on the table and put a leafed hand to her chest, "That was meant for you? What is wrong with this place?" She turned to the principal and her eyes turned rageful, "Who is letting these students get away with this!" Ophelia out a hand on my shoulder. I didn't shrug it away, admitting this was probably how I'd get most of my answers.

"No one is letting them do this," Weems clasped her hands together. "Wednesday had a bully. This is part of the highschool experience. I don't condone it and if I knew who it was, they'd have a swift punishment."

I raised my phone," I don't have a bully, I have a stalker. Principal Weems, I was almost killed by your student Rowan. I was kidnapped and stabbed by a former teacher, and I fought a zombie off of your school while you were laying in the greenhouse, dead." Her eyes scanned the texts from the stalker. "Isn't it about time you take what I am saying at face value?"

"You were almost killed?" Ophelia asked, her tone deadly quiet. "And my father was shocked that I didn't want to go here!"

I looked up at my aunt, "Outcasts and normies die at Nevermore." I turned back to the principal, "What is anchoring you here?"

"My duties to the school." She responded curtly.

I shook my head, "You can't harvest the blood of Nevermore to inhale."

Her eyes narrowed, "You are dismissed Wednesday. I advise you don't put up a fight unless you want to sit out of the games."

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