Golden (chapter one)

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notes: this is my first fic ever, so i might not finish it, and please be kind :)

Water; the prettiest element. Always so iridescent and free. You giggle as you turn to face Tsireya, her already looking at you. As your eyes meet, you feel the brush of seaweed on your bare feet, and hear the distorted sound of Tsireya's laugh. As a six-year-old, growing up as part of the Metkayina clan is a dream. And with Tsireya, your best friend, there to enjoy it with you, it's even better.

Bubbles rise quickly through the water, and you watch them, enchanted. You gesture to Tsireya, and she quickly understands, swimming elegantly upwards until she's a few metres above you. You use the rest of the air in your lungs to blow a massive bubble ring, which expands slowly as it drifts upwards, engulfing Tsireya. She watches it grow, delighted, and you smile at her joy. Quickly, you swim upwards; it's been about five minutes under the water, and you just spent your breath on the bubble ring. As you reach the surface you gasp, taking a deep breath, and wait for Tsireya. A few seconds later she pops up next to you, and flips her short curly hair over her shoulders, splattering you with water droplets.

You giggle and close your eyes. 'Hey, stop!' She pouts. 'Well, sor-ry.' You look at her, serious. She stares back stubbornly. A few seconds later, you both burst out laughing. She tucks her wet hair behind her ears, and asks 'what do you wanna do?' You think for a moment. 'Let's take our ilus and just ride around. Wait, I know. Let's have a race!' Tsireya laughs. 'I'll beat you any day.' You grin, already diving under the water to call Alo'oa, your ilu. He's at your side in a second, and as you leap out of the water together, you yell back to Tsireya 'first back to the village!' You inhale quickly just before Alo'oa pulls you back underwater with a splash.

Alo'oa pushes through the water quickly and strongly, and you hold on with all your might, urging him on. You know Tsireya is only a millisecond behind you. Alo'oa swerves around a rock and you gasp as your legs just miss it. Sand clouds around him as the water gets shallower, and seaweed and fish part around him as he swims on determinedly. You see the foundations of the village ahead, and you narrow your eyes, focused. Alo'oa keeps his speed as you approach the village. You glance over your shoulder and are surprised to see Tsireya right next to you. You're neck in neck with her. Ignoring her, you coax Alo'oa on, even as he starts losing his breath. Just a few more metres, you think, as you watch the village fast approaching. To your relief, he keeps going just as fast as he was before.

When the village is only about four metres away, you turn and grin at Tsireya, who's slowing down so she doesn't collide with the village. She looks at you, confused, as you speed onwards without slowing down even a tiny bit. Now, you think, and Alo'oa understands immediately. One metre from the village, Alo'oa launches himself directly upwards, throwing you forward. You smile in glee as you soar through the air, water droplets falling around you, and then you land right onto a massive pile of fishing nets. You watch as Alo'oa twists through the air and plops back into the water, next to Tsireya and her ilu, who reached the village just after you.

'Yes!' you yell in pure joy. Tsireya sighs. You grin at her. 'Maybe next time, loser.' 'Hey, I've beat you more times than you've beat me,' she says. 'Don't be a sore loser,' you say back, as she frowns at you. 'Okay, okay. You won fair and square, I guess,' she says sulkily. You grin, and run off through the village. 'Hey, wait up!' she yells, all previous unhappiness immediately forgotten as she races after you. You leap over baskets and dodge around buildings as Tsireya tries to catch up to you. You're slightly taller than her, and relish the extra speed that it gives you. When she's nearly caught up to you, you stop and bend over, huffing. She does the same next to you. As you straighten up, breathing slower, you show her the fish that you caught. She looks at it then smirks, pulling out a slightly bigger fish from behind her back. You laugh and say 'come on, let's go cook them.'

* * *

The fire crackles on the beach as the fish roast. You watch Tsireya as she glances up at the dark sky, watching the bright stars. You feel the sand beneath your feet, and watch the orange light the fire casts on Tsireya's face. Surely we'll be friends forever, you think. You can't think of anyone you'd rather be best friends with. 'I think they're ready, Reya,' you say, breaking Tsireya out of her trance. She glances over at the smouldering fish. 'Right.' Your father smiles at you from where he's sitting across the fire. 'They're good catches, honey. You and Tsireya did a good job.' You blush, proud. 'Okay, let's eat then,' you announce.

* * *

A few hours later, you and Tsireya walk slowly back through the village. Your father and hers walk just behind you, chatting quietly. Tsireya's mother walks farther behind, nursing a baby boy, Tsireya's other (older) sibling off somewhere else. You wonder what it would be like to know your mother, and have siblings; but really, sometimes it feels like you do know her, when you talk to her at the cove of the ancestors. Soon, you reach your home, and say a quiet goodbye to Tsireya. You watch as she walks away, then turn and find your bed in the darkness. You slowly drift off to sleep, thinking about the events of the day. And even if you don't know it, you relish the freedom and innocence of your childhood.

the delicate balance (of me and you) | tsireya x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now