Immortal Child - Chapter 18

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~CHAPTER 18-Animal~


It was daytime, and Alexia and I were trapped inside a dark hotel room, shutters closed. Mike was taking a nap, since we were driving the whole night. I felt exhausted, and depressed for some reason. Watching Mike sleep shot heartache through my heart. He felt peaceful at that moment, which wasn’t right, wasn’t logical. I was waiting for him to freak out, and run away, though he hasn’t, yet.

I loved Mike deeply, and unconditionally, and he felt the same way about me, though I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was a mistake bringing him along on this journey. It wasn’t fair towards him to put him in danger, and with him knowing about vampires, put as all at risk, especially if the Originals found out.

Mike’s scent was the most overpowering scent I’ve ever come across. Blood appealed to me a lot, but his blood was something different. I knew it was because of the feelings I had for him, but often I feared that his blood was more of an addiction than his love.

I sat on the edge of the bed, visioning how Mike’s blood would taste on my tongue, how each drop would prickle my senses with excitement. 

“Rox, we haven’t fed for almost two days.” Alexia moaned.

 “I know, and I’m sorry Lex.” I said in response.

We were in Seattle at the moment, not too far away from home. We’d go to the blood bank tonight before we hit the road again. I knew I was taunting myself going without blood, especially with Mike’s scent lingering all around me. I decided to focus my attention on practicing my ability to see the future. I could still only see moments ahead, apart from the vision I had of Alexia walking into the sunlight. I haven’t foreseen any danger happening anytime soon.

I sat down next to Mike on the bed, closed my eyes, and concentrated on him. I wanted to see his future, and how it would be with me, a vampire, in his life. Surely we couldn’t have a relationship unless I turned him. But I couldn’t. Something just didn’t feel right about Mike becoming what I was.

“Roxanne…” he moaned in his sleep.

I felt my non-beating heart skip a beat once again. I knew that Mike loved me, and that he wanted to be with me, and only I could make that possible. It would be so much easier on both of us if I turned him, doomed him to immortal life.

I leaned in closer to Mike, inhaling his sweet scent. It was overwhelming and hard to resist. I leaned in closer to his neck, inches away from touching it with my lips. His scent was burning in my nostrils, and my throat was aching, longing to be washed over by his sweet blood. My lips touched his neck softly, and just as I was about to launch my teeth into his throat, Lexi pushed me off the bed, away from Mike. We were growling at each other, baring our teeth like wild animals. Mike awoke from the havoc, staring at us with a frightened expression. He moved off the bed, and headed for the door, but before I knew it, I had him pinned up with one hand against the wall.

“Roxanne.” he said, with tears in his eyes. “Please, let me go. You’re hurting me.”

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